There's an article that has been circulating recently about Steve Jobs and what his final words were. Reportedly, his last words were "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." What do you think he was talking about? I think he was getting a glimpse into heaven and was amazed by it. Check out the article here. With the recent passing of my Dad, seeing kids die in the PICU, and now hearing Steve Jobs' last words - I've really been thinking a lot about what it must be like to pass on to heaven.
My sister and I were there with my Dad. His blood pressure was really low towards the end, so he wasn't totally with it, but I do know that he was with it enough to answer yes and no questions by nodding or shaking his head. I don't know if any of you have read Heaven is For Real, but I highly recommend it. It's about a little boy who visited heaven for a short period of time while he was very sick. He couldn't have made the story up, he was only 3 or 4 when it happened. Anyway, I think my dad was probably seeing heaven even before he went. His eyes were closed, but I asked him if he was ready to go to heaven, and with his eyes still closed he immediately nodded his head yes. I didn't expect him to answer so quickly and to be ready so soon. I put it off for a while and didn't really say anything. I thought maybe he was just loopy from the sedatives he was given and the fact that his brain wasn't getting much blood due to the low blood pressures. My mom was able to talk to him on the phone one last time. She was to catch a flight back to Indy the next day, so she wasn't able to be with him in the hospital the night he passed. While he wasn't able to talk to her because of the breathing tube, I held the phone up to his ear. He was shaking his head no very adamantly about something she had said. Of course I couldn't ask him what she said, but I later asked her and she had told him to hold on and that she would be there the next day. He didn't want that, he was ready. Luckily, my mom and dad had had a very good conversation earlier that day. Part of me thinks he knew that that was his last day. He didn't even pack an overnight bag to stay in the hospital even though he was told he was going to be staying overnight. I asked him again shortly after that if he was ready to go to heaven and he emphatically shook his head yes. I told him he'd get to see his mom and dad, his in-laws, his brothers and some of his friends. I think he had already seen them waiting, along with the beautiful face of Jesus. I'm sure there was music and beautiful colors and lots of light. And I told him how we would miss him so and that he was the best father and that we didn't want him to leave us, but that we'd see him again. And like I said before, my sister and I said a prayer over him and asked the Lord to take him quickly and as soon as we said, "Amen," he went asystolic. I bet he ran to the light once he was able and we let him go. Even though he looked so tired once his soul had left his body, he looked at peace.
It's the same thing in the PICU. I swear to you that we've had kids die and after we bathe them and get their little bodies ready for the parents to hold them one last time, they look like they are smiling. Honest to goodness this is the truth! I think they are smiling. They are no longer in pain and in the most beautiful of places, nothing on earth can even compare to what it must be like. And obviously, their little souls have left their bodies, but I believe God puts a smile on their little shells to let us on Earth know that they are happy and they are home. It's like reassurance or something.
For those of you who don't know, my dad was blind in one eye. He went blind because an artery behind his eye became completely occluded. He never really complained about it, but would always joke about it - so we often forgot he was blind because his eyes didn't look different from one another. Anyway, my sister had a dream about my dad a month ago. She said it was short, and it was just him and he came up to her and said, "I can see out of both of my eyes now!" How awesome is that? I had a dream about him probably about 6 weeks after he died. In my dream I saw him from afar, and he looked healthy and much younger. He was wearing his football coaching gear he wore when he was head coach of Manual High School's football team. I always loved when he wore that outfit. I also think this is my Dad's way of telling us he is healthy and happy.
And while I miss him every single day, I am so happy that he is okay. I know he is. My faith gets me through this. I really don't know how people who do not have the promise of the Lord make it through times like these. And while I love my life on Earth, when it's my time to go home I am sure I will be saying, "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow."
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
South Carolina and Santa Claus
So here it is December 1st already. I've taken a little hiatus from blogging recently. But I'm back. Here's an update on what's been going on in my life.
My sister and I went to visit my mom in South Carolina the weekend before Thanksgiving. We had a great time just visiting, shopping, and eating. Eating out A LOT! My mom doesn't really get to go out to eat anymore since my dad passed away, so that's really all she wanted to do when we were there. Because who wants to go out to a restaurant by herself? My mom and dad would eat out all the time; I'm pretty sure that was their favorite thing to do. It always cracks me up though because my mom lives in SC with all these great local restaurants, and do you know where she wanted to eat when we were there? Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and Outback. She also really loves Steak 'n Shake, but they don't have those out there in SC. So of course when she comes back home for 2 weeks this month, we'll be making a trip to Steak 'n Shake for sure. I'm willing to do whatever makes her happy though. She's the best. And I'm amazed by her strength and courage through all of this. Even though she may be the one who suffered the greatest loss, she has still managed to comfort my sister and me a lot. Like I said, she's awesome.
I've recently found and I love it. If you haven't joined, please do. It's neat because you can find ideas you like online and 'pin it' to your 'boards' so you can reference it later instead of having to print pages or anything like that. I've found a lot of recipes I want to try, along with pretty outfits, ideas for the home, and crafty stuff. Unfortunately, I really suck at crafts, so I get a little depressed when I see all these neat things people can make and then I think about how inept I am at making anything. I can bake, but I can't do much else. I could have never been an elementary school teacher, that's for sure.
I've gotten most of my Christmas shopping done - especially for the kids. Holla! However, with Addison's attitude lately, I'm not sure she'll be getting any presents. She went from 4 to 13 in a week. Talking back, disobeying, saying, "Whatever Mom." I really have no idea where she's getting it. The only shows she watches are on Nick Jr. or Disney movies - all of which I have watched and none of which have actual people - just animation. And Spongebob is not allowed in our house! So she must be picking this up somewhere else, I just got to figure out where. They always say she's so perfect at pre-school, so I don't know. I'm just getting worried. She's such a good girl, but I'm not sure where this rash of sass has come from. I just hope it goes soon because I can only threaten "Santa Clause is watching!" for a few more weeks. And don't worry, I do give her time outs. I'm definitely not one of those parents who has a child that suffers from No Discipline Syndrome. Not my kids. Never!
We went to see Santa last week and I think Camden may be scarred for life. I'm anal about my Santas and they must have a real beard. I don't want my kids suspecting anything too early. We stood in line and inched closer and closer to the front. Camden saw Santa from afar and noticed little kids sitting on Santa's lap. Then those kids got up, and the next kids sat on his lap. You could just see the little wheels spinning in his head. Like he knew this would also be his fate. Last year he was only 8 months old and he did just fine. This year, not so much. Once we put Cam on Santa's lap, Cam started screaming. Even Santa said, "Will you hurry and take the picture?" to the picture-taking lady. He was nice, I think he just thought the less he had to torture my child, the better. So the pic was snapped and Camden was off his lap in 1.2 seconds. Here's the finished product.
Then, of course, Addison had to tell Santa what she wanted. An Easy Bake Oven, a Rapunzel wig, and a make-up set. Sounds like she is on her way to being a made-up housewife! She seriously is in love with wearing her red wig. I have had so much bright red hair wrapped around the brushes of my Dyson. Now I'm going to have long blonde ones too. Oh joy. I never had an Easy Bake Oven, but I've been told they make disgusting food. That's going to be fun - yay. Gonna have to pull out my acting skills and my best, "Yum, that is delicious, Addi!" for her. You think I tease, but you know I will.
My sister and I went to visit my mom in South Carolina the weekend before Thanksgiving. We had a great time just visiting, shopping, and eating. Eating out A LOT! My mom doesn't really get to go out to eat anymore since my dad passed away, so that's really all she wanted to do when we were there. Because who wants to go out to a restaurant by herself? My mom and dad would eat out all the time; I'm pretty sure that was their favorite thing to do. It always cracks me up though because my mom lives in SC with all these great local restaurants, and do you know where she wanted to eat when we were there? Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and Outback. She also really loves Steak 'n Shake, but they don't have those out there in SC. So of course when she comes back home for 2 weeks this month, we'll be making a trip to Steak 'n Shake for sure. I'm willing to do whatever makes her happy though. She's the best. And I'm amazed by her strength and courage through all of this. Even though she may be the one who suffered the greatest loss, she has still managed to comfort my sister and me a lot. Like I said, she's awesome.
I've recently found and I love it. If you haven't joined, please do. It's neat because you can find ideas you like online and 'pin it' to your 'boards' so you can reference it later instead of having to print pages or anything like that. I've found a lot of recipes I want to try, along with pretty outfits, ideas for the home, and crafty stuff. Unfortunately, I really suck at crafts, so I get a little depressed when I see all these neat things people can make and then I think about how inept I am at making anything. I can bake, but I can't do much else. I could have never been an elementary school teacher, that's for sure.
I've gotten most of my Christmas shopping done - especially for the kids. Holla! However, with Addison's attitude lately, I'm not sure she'll be getting any presents. She went from 4 to 13 in a week. Talking back, disobeying, saying, "Whatever Mom." I really have no idea where she's getting it. The only shows she watches are on Nick Jr. or Disney movies - all of which I have watched and none of which have actual people - just animation. And Spongebob is not allowed in our house! So she must be picking this up somewhere else, I just got to figure out where. They always say she's so perfect at pre-school, so I don't know. I'm just getting worried. She's such a good girl, but I'm not sure where this rash of sass has come from. I just hope it goes soon because I can only threaten "Santa Clause is watching!" for a few more weeks. And don't worry, I do give her time outs. I'm definitely not one of those parents who has a child that suffers from No Discipline Syndrome. Not my kids. Never!
We went to see Santa last week and I think Camden may be scarred for life. I'm anal about my Santas and they must have a real beard. I don't want my kids suspecting anything too early. We stood in line and inched closer and closer to the front. Camden saw Santa from afar and noticed little kids sitting on Santa's lap. Then those kids got up, and the next kids sat on his lap. You could just see the little wheels spinning in his head. Like he knew this would also be his fate. Last year he was only 8 months old and he did just fine. This year, not so much. Once we put Cam on Santa's lap, Cam started screaming. Even Santa said, "Will you hurry and take the picture?" to the picture-taking lady. He was nice, I think he just thought the less he had to torture my child, the better. So the pic was snapped and Camden was off his lap in 1.2 seconds. Here's the finished product.
Then, of course, Addison had to tell Santa what she wanted. An Easy Bake Oven, a Rapunzel wig, and a make-up set. Sounds like she is on her way to being a made-up housewife! She seriously is in love with wearing her red wig. I have had so much bright red hair wrapped around the brushes of my Dyson. Now I'm going to have long blonde ones too. Oh joy. I never had an Easy Bake Oven, but I've been told they make disgusting food. That's going to be fun - yay. Gonna have to pull out my acting skills and my best, "Yum, that is delicious, Addi!" for her. You think I tease, but you know I will.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Mickey & Shamu
So last week our little family ventured out on our first family vacation! We've been on vacation before, but not just the four of us - we've always had a set of grandparents with us during previous trips. But this time, it was just us. We went to Orlando to visit Mickey Mouse and Shamu. Here's a recap of our week.
Saturday morning I had to wake up the kids at about 4:00 a.m. Why I scheduled our flight at 6:30 a.m. is still a mystery. I swear I don't remember doing that, but I must have because I did the same thing for our return flight. Anyway, I whispered to Addi as I knelt over her that today was the day we got to go to Florida. She had her eyes closed still, but smiled great big and then jumped out of bed. She has NEVER been so easy to get out of bed. So we got everyone packed up and got to the airport. We flew Continental on the way there, which was less than a pleasant experience. First they didn't give us seat assignments from Indy to Houston. Then they didn't even have us on the flight from Houston to Orlando. Ike told them they had better get us on board since we had booked it back in March. Well, they ended up getting us on the flight and all was right with the world, other than the fact that Continental doesn't even give you peanuts or pretzels without charging you for them. Geesh.
So we get to Orlando safely, and get to the rental car place. Enterprise was super great. They saw that we couldn't fit ourbus stroller into the trunk, so they upgraded us to a small SUV at no extra cost! We also rented two carseats for the week, and due to liability, the driver has to install them. So poor Ike was installing the car seats while I corralled the children. I had to keep yelling at Addi to get down from the pole that she kept climbing and swinging from. It was one of those concrete poles that are used as barricades in parking lots or gas stations.
So we got to our condo and my mom really hooked us up. We stayed at a Bluegreen condo, called The Fountains. Two bedrooms, full kitchen, living room, screened in balcony. We went to Publix to pick up some groceries for the week. Then that night we hung out in the indoor pool and hot tub. It was nice to finally relax.
Sunday morning we got up to go to Sea World. I have a love/hate relationship with Sea World. I love seeing and petting the dolphins and whales, but I feel sad that they are in captivity. That being said, we had a great time seeing the dolphin show, Shamu show, and all the other animals. Some funny stuff happened while we were there. Addison and I went to pet and feed the dolphins, while Camden went with Ike to look at the sting rays. Here's some pictures of Addi and me with the dolphins.
Now here's the back story - Cam has an arm on him. I swear that boy is going to be a pitcher or quarterback someday. He has been taking his binky out of his mouth and whipping it across the room since he was 5 months old. And he does it without warning, he does it so fast that there's no way to stop it. Okay, back to the sting rays. So Ike was holding Cam above the sting ray tank when all of the sudden Cam whips his binky out of his mouth and throws it into the tank! It was a feeding tank, by the way. Luckily the torpedo binky didn't hit any innocent sting rays and they all swam down to the bottom. Ike thought quickly and reached out to grab the binky so no sting rays choked on it, or developed a pacifier habit. No sting rays were harmed in this story.
We then went to the dolphin show right after the sting ray incident. Camden decided to throw his shoe while we were there. He whipped it down a couple aisles and it hit a lady. Poor thing. Luckily she was nice and smiled as we apologized. Ike and I decided we are going to tape his binky to his face and his shoes to his feet.
Monday, we hung out at the resort pool and went to Downtown Disney for dinner that night. We went to T-Rex, which was neat, but Camden didn't like it one bit. There was a "meteor shower" every 15 minutes and the lights flickered, the dinosaurs roared, you get the drift. The food was pretty good. I just wish Camden would have liked it, and felt better. He ended up spiking a fever that night. Not only that, but we watched the news when we got home as Tuesday. We saw that the weather on Tuesday, our first Disney day, was to be a washout - 1 to 3 inches of rain! A tropical storm was headed towards Orlando. Go figure. We had to go on Tuesday because that was the day we had breakfast booked with the princesses at Cinderella's Royal Table and you had to have park admission. So we just decided we'd go, make the most of it, and probably leave early.
So Tuesday morning, we got up and got the kids ready. Addi was all set to go as Ariel. The skies looked ominous with the threat of storms. Addison also looked ominous as you can see below. I think she was mad because I didn't let her wear her red wig. More on that later.
The breakfast was a lot of fun. Addi loved it and I think I had just as much fun as she did. Camden didn't seem to like any of the princesses, except for Ariel. He tried to get away from all of them, except for her. He watched her the whole time she was at our table. Maybe he's going to have a thing for redheads.
Once we left the breakfast it was super cloudy, but not raining yet, so we decided to do as much as we could before the monsoon arrived. Well, it ended up completely missing us! We checked out the radar later that evening and it went right around Orlando. We got sprinkles a few times through the day, but that was it. I'm chalking that one up to my dad. I think he put in a good word with God for us. He was supposed to be there with us, and I think he still was, just in a different way than originally planned. Thanks Dad - we had a great time! Plus, I think the threat of the rain scared people away, so we had little to no lines all day. It was just perfect. Perfect and exhausting.
Wednesday, we totally relaxed and did pretty much nothing. Needed some recovery time. Here's a super cute picture that totally shows how tired we were on Wednesday.
Thursday was the day we had tickets to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Magic Kingdom. We got to the park at 4:00 p.m., as this was the earliest we could get in without also paying for park admission. My sweet mom bought us tickets to the party and it was so fun! Thanks Mom - you're the best! We were able to get some more autographs and pictures before the festivities began at 7:00. Most importantly - Mickey & Minnie!
All day Addi had been asking to put on her red wig. If you've read my previous blog about this wig, you'd know how much she loves it. I promised her after dinner we would put on her red wig. We also decided we'd get Cam ready after dinner too since he gets everything all over himself. So we finished dinner and got Cam ready. He was The Incredible Hulk. I kept calling him Hulk Hogan and Ike kept correcting me. Well, they both have the word Hulk in them. Close enough. We put Addison's wig on her, and it was like she transformed into another person. She walked differently, posed differently, acted differently. She had an alter ego. Hey wait, I think that's the same thing that happens to strippers when they put on wigs. Crap.
We stayed for the Villain's Show and the Boo-To-You Parade. It was so fun. The kids got pretty worn out, so we left around 9:30. Here's a favorite pic from earlier that day. I broke down and wore ears. It's amazing how you become brainwashed at Disney. But I loved it. Don't worry though, I won't be sporting Mickey Mouse shirts around town or anything.
Friday we went to Sea World one more time for a few hours, then went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner. It was so good and so fun! The kids were in great moods too, so that always helps make any experience more enjoyable. We asked Addison what her favorite part of the week was and she said, "Just being with you and Daddy and Camden." It was so sweet - and I really think she meant it! However, earlier in the week I asked her the same thing and she responded, "The donuts!" So who knows?
Saturday we had to leave early and come back to Indiana. None of us wanted to come home. We would have missed our flight since the line at Delta was ridiculous. Luckily a worker lady asked if anyone was close to the 45 minute cut off for luggage drop off and we were so we got pulled out of line and sent on our way. Thank goodness. As much as we wanted to stay, we didn't want to stay in the Orlando airport.
We had a wonderful time and cannot wait to go back!!
Saturday morning I had to wake up the kids at about 4:00 a.m. Why I scheduled our flight at 6:30 a.m. is still a mystery. I swear I don't remember doing that, but I must have because I did the same thing for our return flight. Anyway, I whispered to Addi as I knelt over her that today was the day we got to go to Florida. She had her eyes closed still, but smiled great big and then jumped out of bed. She has NEVER been so easy to get out of bed. So we got everyone packed up and got to the airport. We flew Continental on the way there, which was less than a pleasant experience. First they didn't give us seat assignments from Indy to Houston. Then they didn't even have us on the flight from Houston to Orlando. Ike told them they had better get us on board since we had booked it back in March. Well, they ended up getting us on the flight and all was right with the world, other than the fact that Continental doesn't even give you peanuts or pretzels without charging you for them. Geesh.
So we get to Orlando safely, and get to the rental car place. Enterprise was super great. They saw that we couldn't fit our
So we got to our condo and my mom really hooked us up. We stayed at a Bluegreen condo, called The Fountains. Two bedrooms, full kitchen, living room, screened in balcony. We went to Publix to pick up some groceries for the week. Then that night we hung out in the indoor pool and hot tub. It was nice to finally relax.
Sunday morning we got up to go to Sea World. I have a love/hate relationship with Sea World. I love seeing and petting the dolphins and whales, but I feel sad that they are in captivity. That being said, we had a great time seeing the dolphin show, Shamu show, and all the other animals. Some funny stuff happened while we were there. Addison and I went to pet and feed the dolphins, while Camden went with Ike to look at the sting rays. Here's some pictures of Addi and me with the dolphins.
Love this! |
I love dolphins |
Looks like they're having a conversation |
Now here's the back story - Cam has an arm on him. I swear that boy is going to be a pitcher or quarterback someday. He has been taking his binky out of his mouth and whipping it across the room since he was 5 months old. And he does it without warning, he does it so fast that there's no way to stop it. Okay, back to the sting rays. So Ike was holding Cam above the sting ray tank when all of the sudden Cam whips his binky out of his mouth and throws it into the tank! It was a feeding tank, by the way. Luckily the torpedo binky didn't hit any innocent sting rays and they all swam down to the bottom. Ike thought quickly and reached out to grab the binky so no sting rays choked on it, or developed a pacifier habit. No sting rays were harmed in this story.
We then went to the dolphin show right after the sting ray incident. Camden decided to throw his shoe while we were there. He whipped it down a couple aisles and it hit a lady. Poor thing. Luckily she was nice and smiled as we apologized. Ike and I decided we are going to tape his binky to his face and his shoes to his feet.
Cam approximately 2.2 seconds before winging his shoe |
Monday, we hung out at the resort pool and went to Downtown Disney for dinner that night. We went to T-Rex, which was neat, but Camden didn't like it one bit. There was a "meteor shower" every 15 minutes and the lights flickered, the dinosaurs roared, you get the drift. The food was pretty good. I just wish Camden would have liked it, and felt better. He ended up spiking a fever that night. Not only that, but we watched the news when we got home as Tuesday. We saw that the weather on Tuesday, our first Disney day, was to be a washout - 1 to 3 inches of rain! A tropical storm was headed towards Orlando. Go figure. We had to go on Tuesday because that was the day we had breakfast booked with the princesses at Cinderella's Royal Table and you had to have park admission. So we just decided we'd go, make the most of it, and probably leave early.
So Tuesday morning, we got up and got the kids ready. Addi was all set to go as Ariel. The skies looked ominous with the threat of storms. Addison also looked ominous as you can see below. I think she was mad because I didn't let her wear her red wig. More on that later.
Angry Ariel |
Threaten to leave and look how quickly her attitude changed! |
Trying to escape from Snow White |
Apparently Aurora doesn't do it for him either |
Wait, he's not trying to escape! |
Love at first sight |
Once we left the breakfast it was super cloudy, but not raining yet, so we decided to do as much as we could before the monsoon arrived. Well, it ended up completely missing us! We checked out the radar later that evening and it went right around Orlando. We got sprinkles a few times through the day, but that was it. I'm chalking that one up to my dad. I think he put in a good word with God for us. He was supposed to be there with us, and I think he still was, just in a different way than originally planned. Thanks Dad - we had a great time! Plus, I think the threat of the rain scared people away, so we had little to no lines all day. It was just perfect. Perfect and exhausting.
This is a random picture of Camden, but it makes me smile |
Sleepy time |
Waiting to meet the mice |
Minnie poses like a Colts Cheerleader - she's got the toe pop down pat |
Who knew a wig could cause so much happiness? |
Check out that pose |
We love Magic Kingdom |
Saturday we had to leave early and come back to Indiana. None of us wanted to come home. We would have missed our flight since the line at Delta was ridiculous. Luckily a worker lady asked if anyone was close to the 45 minute cut off for luggage drop off and we were so we got pulled out of line and sent on our way. Thank goodness. As much as we wanted to stay, we didn't want to stay in the Orlando airport.
We had a wonderful time and cannot wait to go back!!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
A Favorite from my Hubby's Blog
From August 2010.
Having two kids is not that far from living back in the fraternity house
I have been blessed with two beautiful kids — two kids who are already throwing me back to the days of Delta Tau Delta at Ball State.
There is always a body function happening. At first there is the innocent and often, “I can’t control my gas” infant stage. People laugh and think it is cute because it is a baby. This is not the case when a guy, nicknamed “Dirt”, breaks wind after drinking malt liquor all night and eating a burrito the size of your head.
Spitting up is so common I now have no sense of smell or a desire to eat. I have a burp cloth on my body at all times because I never know when Mt. Cam will erupt and spew whatever he just ate all over the place. In the fraternity house the only thing funny about spewing was the occasional dry heave. I still don’t why that is funny. Maybe the eyes welling up with tears or the fact I always think of Jim Carey.
Streaking. Yes, sometimes it is nice to set yourself free. My three year old finds great delight in streaking around the house after a bath. You can see the sheer joy of being clothes- and worry-free on her face. This look was also found many a night when someone would casually walk through the house sans pants, sit down on your couch, and act as if this was normal. Thank you creator of the slipcover.
Nose picking is an Olympic sport. I guess until now I thought the nose pick was merely done out of necessity. Nope. I am not sure what the fascination is with having your finger two knuckles into your nose, but the kids dig it. Yes, pun intended. I am worried more about them being able to hide a grapefruit in their nostril than do it in public. And at the old Delt house you had guys who were the Michael Phelps of nose picking. After each victory they always wanted to show you their medals. Remember the dry heave part? My eyes are still watering.
Being tired is the norm. I am up at all hours, I don’t ever feel like I sleep through a whole night, and when I am up, I have to be on. There is always something to clean up (see above), someone to entertain, and someone getting into something they shouldn’t. Hmmm…this one didn’t change.
Time for me to go, I think someone just made his underwear into a headband.
Check out more at
There is always a body function happening. At first there is the innocent and often, “I can’t control my gas” infant stage. People laugh and think it is cute because it is a baby. This is not the case when a guy, nicknamed “Dirt”, breaks wind after drinking malt liquor all night and eating a burrito the size of your head.
Spitting up is so common I now have no sense of smell or a desire to eat. I have a burp cloth on my body at all times because I never know when Mt. Cam will erupt and spew whatever he just ate all over the place. In the fraternity house the only thing funny about spewing was the occasional dry heave. I still don’t why that is funny. Maybe the eyes welling up with tears or the fact I always think of Jim Carey.
Streaking. Yes, sometimes it is nice to set yourself free. My three year old finds great delight in streaking around the house after a bath. You can see the sheer joy of being clothes- and worry-free on her face. This look was also found many a night when someone would casually walk through the house sans pants, sit down on your couch, and act as if this was normal. Thank you creator of the slipcover.
Nose picking is an Olympic sport. I guess until now I thought the nose pick was merely done out of necessity. Nope. I am not sure what the fascination is with having your finger two knuckles into your nose, but the kids dig it. Yes, pun intended. I am worried more about them being able to hide a grapefruit in their nostril than do it in public. And at the old Delt house you had guys who were the Michael Phelps of nose picking. After each victory they always wanted to show you their medals. Remember the dry heave part? My eyes are still watering.
Being tired is the norm. I am up at all hours, I don’t ever feel like I sleep through a whole night, and when I am up, I have to be on. There is always something to clean up (see above), someone to entertain, and someone getting into something they shouldn’t. Hmmm…this one didn’t change.
Time for me to go, I think someone just made his underwear into a headband.
Check out more at
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Lions, Cows, and Pumpkins. . . Oh My!
Another week down. Some fun things happened this week. Addi got her Halloween costume all set for the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disney World. She is going to be Ariel, the Little Mermaid. She has the dress, the wand, the shoes, and the wig. A long red stringy wig. She absolutely loves the wig and wants to wear it all the time. I hope she never finds out that strippers wear wigs a lot. Maybe I'll inform her that actresses get to wear wigs before she finds out about strippers. Yep, that sounds like a good plan. Whenever she sees a picture of Katy Perry in her blue wig on my iPhone/iTunes she always says, "She's so pretty with her blue hair." I'm getting a little worried about her teenage years already.
Cam saw Addi in her get-up and decided he wanted to play too. He grabbed a tiara and a wand so he could be like his sister. Notice he's holding the wand upside down. He hasn't taken Princess 101 yet. Again, notice the stringy red wig. This picture is much more true to the actual look of thedead animal wig.
We're still trying to figure out what Cam is going to be. Ike doesn't want him to be anything too "babyish." I keep informing my hubby that Cam is indeed still a baby. I want him to be something cute like a cowboy or sock monkey or something like that, something he won't want to be when he gets to choose. Ike wants him to be Spiderman or Buzz Lightyear. Maybe we'll go with Addi's idea of him being Flounder. Ariel does need Flounder or Sebastian, right?
We had dinner with some family from Pennsylvania on Friday night. They were in town for the Penn State game. Cam was being pretty cranky and didn't want to eat anything. That boy loves an audience though. He can turn on the charm like he's turning on a faucet. Well, maybe that's a stretch because he's only 17 months and can't turn on a faucet yet. But you know what I mean. I posted a picture of him. Notice how they put us in the far back corner. It was well deserved since Cam started throwing his unwanted food within minutes of getting there. Doesn't he just look ornery?
Addi got to go to her first Penn State game Saturday with Ike. It was at IU. I stayed at home all day with Cam. But we all met up after the game. Addi got to meet the Nittany Lion at the game. I asked her to show me the picture that Grammy took of her with the lion and she said, "Ok, but I got one with the cow too." I had no clue what she was talking about because IU's mascot is the Hoosiers, not the Cows. I found out she got her picture with the Chick-Fil-A Cow which apparently is just as exciting as the PSU Nittany Lion.
We also made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. We had fun, went with my sister and her boys. I got my elephant ear fix. Not helping with my anxiety about being in a bikini in a few months, but my soul needed it. I feel like everyone is entitled to at least one funnel cake or elephant ear a year and since Ike won't go with me to the Indiana State Fair, this was my only chance to fill my quota. Addi picked out two little pumpkins, one for herself and one for Camden. Ike and I will just get some at the store that we can carve. It's too hard to lug around two children and two giant pumpkins.
After the pumpkin patch we had to run to our favorite spot, Super Target. And no, we didn't get dinner there. . .this time. However, Cam did sing a song with both fingers in his nostrils in the car on the way there. I posted a lovely pic that I'm sure will be wonderful blackmail someday. Enjoy!
Cam saw Addi in her get-up and decided he wanted to play too. He grabbed a tiara and a wand so he could be like his sister. Notice he's holding the wand upside down. He hasn't taken Princess 101 yet. Again, notice the stringy red wig. This picture is much more true to the actual look of the
We're still trying to figure out what Cam is going to be. Ike doesn't want him to be anything too "babyish." I keep informing my hubby that Cam is indeed still a baby. I want him to be something cute like a cowboy or sock monkey or something like that, something he won't want to be when he gets to choose. Ike wants him to be Spiderman or Buzz Lightyear. Maybe we'll go with Addi's idea of him being Flounder. Ariel does need Flounder or Sebastian, right?
We had dinner with some family from Pennsylvania on Friday night. They were in town for the Penn State game. Cam was being pretty cranky and didn't want to eat anything. That boy loves an audience though. He can turn on the charm like he's turning on a faucet. Well, maybe that's a stretch because he's only 17 months and can't turn on a faucet yet. But you know what I mean. I posted a picture of him. Notice how they put us in the far back corner. It was well deserved since Cam started throwing his unwanted food within minutes of getting there. Doesn't he just look ornery?
Addi got to go to her first Penn State game Saturday with Ike. It was at IU. I stayed at home all day with Cam. But we all met up after the game. Addi got to meet the Nittany Lion at the game. I asked her to show me the picture that Grammy took of her with the lion and she said, "Ok, but I got one with the cow too." I had no clue what she was talking about because IU's mascot is the Hoosiers, not the Cows. I found out she got her picture with the Chick-Fil-A Cow which apparently is just as exciting as the PSU Nittany Lion.
![]() |
Chick-fil-A Cow |
Penn State Nittany Lion |
On the Hay Ride out to the Pumpkin Patch. Cam sure looks comfy, huh? |
Searching for the perfect pumpkin |
Pumpkins by the truckload |
I found my two pumpkins! |
Hey, hey, HAY! |
Mi Familia |
Seriously, when do I get my elephant ear? |
After the pumpkin patch we had to run to our favorite spot, Super Target. And no, we didn't get dinner there. . .this time. However, Cam did sing a song with both fingers in his nostrils in the car on the way there. I posted a lovely pic that I'm sure will be wonderful blackmail someday. Enjoy!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mickey Mouse and Mexico
There are two things causing me great stress right now. Number one, we are going to Disney World in three weeks. Number two, I have to wear a bikini in front of college friends in February.
So, we're taking the family to WDW mid-October. I haven't been since I was two, so obviously I don't remember any of it. I know it is supposed to be the most magical place on earth. So far, I've found it to be the most stress-filled and most expensive place on earth and we're not even there yet. We are only going to go to Magic Kingdom two days. We'll be in Orlando for the week, but aren't going to drag two little kids to the park everyday. I don't think that would be enjoyable for any of us. We're having breakfast with the princesses one morning, and staying late another night for the Not So Scary Halloween Party.
The reason I'm so stressed is because there is so much to prepare. I have no idea where to go once we're in the park. I realize they have maps, but if you know me, you know I like to be prepared. I was always the annoying one in high school and college who planned all the spring breaks and knew exactly where and when we needed to be somewhere. Yes, I'm that girl. Do I bring my stroller or rent one? Do I bring all of Addison's princess outfits? Do I take my big camera or just use my iPhone? Do we need to pack extra clothes? What if the kids cry the whole time because they're hot or tired?
Gosh I sound like a whiner. Sorry. I just feel like I need some guidance. And yes, I realize there are much bigger problems in the world than this. I just want it to be a great experience for everyone and I feel like if I plan everything well enough it will be. I think I'm also a little sad because my mom and dad were supposed to be coming with us on this trip and my mom just isn't ready for a vacation quite yet. So it's a little bittersweet. So if you have been to Magic Kingdom, please help a sista out and give me some input! I realize it's pointless to worry about such silly things, but it's part of who I am. Maybe I should just get on some major anti-anxiety medications or start drinking heavily.
Number two - the much bigger problem - Ike and I are going to Mexico for a wedding in February. One of my best friend's/former roommate is getting married there. I wouldn't miss it for the world. She's a beautiful actress living in LA. She is a friend from college, a very fit friend from college, a very fit friend from college who hasn't had her body remodeled by the art of childbearing. A few other people from college will also be there. We'll be there for several days before and after the wedding, and we're all staying in the same place. It's going to be super fun, but I'm getting very stressed about having to get into my bikini in front of all these people I know.
Last time they saw me in a bikini, I was in my 20's, a Colts Cheerleader, and had nothing to do other than workout and go to class. Now, I'm in my 30's, have delivered two babies, and have no time to work out. I bounced back quickly after having Addison, but after Camden, things didn't go back so quickly. It's like gravity got ahold of everything and hasn't let go yet. When I realized that I'm actually going to be seen in a bikini by my fellow BSU alum, I felt my heart sink. It was like the feeling you get when you're told you have to speak in front of an audience. Lump in throat, butterflies in belly, nausea, sweaty hands - you get my drift, unless you're one of those weird people who enjoys public speaking.
So, I've decided that I am going to start working out a little - hopefully at least 3 times per week. But I'm not going to start until after Disney. I've got to mentally prepare myself. You know, build up to it. I don't enjoy working out. . . at all. I have started eating better recently. If you read my previous blog, you already know that - sorry for the redundancy. The holidays are going to be super hard this year. I can eat my weight in sugar between Halloween and Christmas. Why oh why can't this trip be with fried-chicken-loving, working mothers with several children, who also have no time for themselves?
I'm going to end up a heavily medicated anorexic by the time this year is over. But hey, at least I'll be relaxed and skinny.
So, we're taking the family to WDW mid-October. I haven't been since I was two, so obviously I don't remember any of it. I know it is supposed to be the most magical place on earth. So far, I've found it to be the most stress-filled and most expensive place on earth and we're not even there yet. We are only going to go to Magic Kingdom two days. We'll be in Orlando for the week, but aren't going to drag two little kids to the park everyday. I don't think that would be enjoyable for any of us. We're having breakfast with the princesses one morning, and staying late another night for the Not So Scary Halloween Party.
The reason I'm so stressed is because there is so much to prepare. I have no idea where to go once we're in the park. I realize they have maps, but if you know me, you know I like to be prepared. I was always the annoying one in high school and college who planned all the spring breaks and knew exactly where and when we needed to be somewhere. Yes, I'm that girl. Do I bring my stroller or rent one? Do I bring all of Addison's princess outfits? Do I take my big camera or just use my iPhone? Do we need to pack extra clothes? What if the kids cry the whole time because they're hot or tired?
Gosh I sound like a whiner. Sorry. I just feel like I need some guidance. And yes, I realize there are much bigger problems in the world than this. I just want it to be a great experience for everyone and I feel like if I plan everything well enough it will be. I think I'm also a little sad because my mom and dad were supposed to be coming with us on this trip and my mom just isn't ready for a vacation quite yet. So it's a little bittersweet. So if you have been to Magic Kingdom, please help a sista out and give me some input! I realize it's pointless to worry about such silly things, but it's part of who I am. Maybe I should just get on some major anti-anxiety medications or start drinking heavily.
Number two - the much bigger problem - Ike and I are going to Mexico for a wedding in February. One of my best friend's/former roommate is getting married there. I wouldn't miss it for the world. She's a beautiful actress living in LA. She is a friend from college, a very fit friend from college, a very fit friend from college who hasn't had her body remodeled by the art of childbearing. A few other people from college will also be there. We'll be there for several days before and after the wedding, and we're all staying in the same place. It's going to be super fun, but I'm getting very stressed about having to get into my bikini in front of all these people I know.
Last time they saw me in a bikini, I was in my 20's, a Colts Cheerleader, and had nothing to do other than workout and go to class. Now, I'm in my 30's, have delivered two babies, and have no time to work out. I bounced back quickly after having Addison, but after Camden, things didn't go back so quickly. It's like gravity got ahold of everything and hasn't let go yet. When I realized that I'm actually going to be seen in a bikini by my fellow BSU alum, I felt my heart sink. It was like the feeling you get when you're told you have to speak in front of an audience. Lump in throat, butterflies in belly, nausea, sweaty hands - you get my drift, unless you're one of those weird people who enjoys public speaking.
So, I've decided that I am going to start working out a little - hopefully at least 3 times per week. But I'm not going to start until after Disney. I've got to mentally prepare myself. You know, build up to it. I don't enjoy working out. . . at all. I have started eating better recently. If you read my previous blog, you already know that - sorry for the redundancy. The holidays are going to be super hard this year. I can eat my weight in sugar between Halloween and Christmas. Why oh why can't this trip be with fried-chicken-loving, working mothers with several children, who also have no time for themselves?
I'm going to end up a heavily medicated anorexic by the time this year is over. But hey, at least I'll be relaxed and skinny.
Monday, September 26, 2011
I Love the Target Cafe
Sunday morning I had brunch with some of my best girlfriends from college. We had some great laughs like we always do. I even saved one of my friends from eating what looked to be a black pubic hair in her sausage gravy. If you've read any of my previous blogs, you know I have a fear of hair in my food and will search before eating. Apparently, I have even started to study my friends' food. But hey, I did save her from having to pull a pube out of her teeth like floss, huh? I am pretty darn loyal if I do say so myself.
Back to the subject. One of my friend's has a son who started Kindergarten this year. We were talking about waiting at the bus stop, field trips, and PTO. It took me a minute to figure out what PTO was because at work it means "Paid Time Off." I forgot that it also means "Parent/Teacher Organization." At least, I think that's what it means. Anyway, we were laughing because we were talking about how much our lives have changed. There's no way when we were juniors at Ball State we thought we'd be having brunch and talking about PTO. Our main concern then was which black pants we were going to wear out to Dill Street. Oh and having enough time to pre-party - which meant drinking your cocktails while showering and drying your hair. My my have times have changed. We agreed that we're going to have to start playing Bunco.
I've had several moments over the past years that I couldn't have imagined myself doing even 5 years ago. As of this summer, I have had lunch at Target at the little Target Cafe. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would have been eating lunch there with my kids in the future, I would have laughed at you. However, nowadays I find myself at the Target Cafe nearly once a week having a rather enjoyable lunch with my kids before shopping my brains out. I've actually had lunch dates there. I know, this is getting worse by the minute. We were there today in fact. I looked around and saw three other moms with their kids there, so I didn't feel so bad. It's cheap and convenient, so it works. I never said I was a high roller. I do think I may have to invest in some high-waisted, unflattering-to-the-butt Mom jeans soon. Or a mini-van with the decal of my entire stick family and stick pets. I am kidding. If this ever happens, please just shoot me and put me out of my misery. I don't want to live like that.
Ike and I have gotten used to eating macaroni and cheese, pizza, and other kid staples for every meal. We add fruits and vegetables, but the main course is usually something the kids will like. I can make Kraft mac & cheese from the box and Addi will say, "Mommy, you're the best cooker. You should work at a restaurant." I love naivety. I had the bright idea of trying to reintroduce the kids to more healthful main courses. Kid-friendly foods aren't healthy, nor are they good for the waistline after a while. I made vegetable stir fry on Saturday night. Cam didn't eat anything other than the peas and rice. Addi did okay, but didn't eat much more than Cam. Then tonight I tried falafel. Yes, I know. What was I thinking? Most adults don't even like falafel, why did I think a 17 month old and a 4 year old would like it? At least both of them tried it, but both spit it out. So what did I do you ask? I ended up making them both peanut butter and jelly. FAIL. Ike and I ate the falafel and are now currently in falafel comas. We've met our falafel quota for the year. And I think I've said the word falafel 8,000 times. I'll stop now.
One year at Ball State, I was named "Best Dressed" in my sorority. Hooty Hoot, shout out to my Chi Omega Sisters. Nowadays, not so much. I have looked at my wardrobe and nearly cried. Granted, I wear scrubs to work, so I'm not too worried about my wardrobe three days a week. Then I look at the kids' closets and then I remember why I have no clothes. When I try to go shopping for myself, I find myself in the kids' section. It's like the gigantic magnetic force that attracts me to it. It's uncontrollable. I know lots of moms who suffer from this same problem. Remember those Mom jeans I talked about earlier? Well, I'll never have them because I don't buy anything for myself anyway, so please stop worrying.
One thing I never thought I'd have to give up is singing in the car. It's my safe place to belt out my tunes. I don't even sing in the shower, unless no one is home. I realize I am not blessed in this area. But I figured it would still be okay to sing in the car when my kids were in there. I was wrong. Today I was singing to The Band Perry's If I Die Young and Addison said, "Mommy please stop singing. It doesn't sound so good." She's said things like this to me before about my singing, but today I thought I was singing quietly. Apparently when you are so off key, it doesn't matter how quietly you're singing. Thanks, Addi. I'm well aware now.
I could go on and on about how things have changed and things I never thought I'd do 10 years ago are my reality today. The lunches at Target, the meals I cook that are denied by my kids, my lacking wardrobe, etc. I think any parent will tell you that they do things they never thought they would because of and for their kids. And though life is so completely different than I ever thought it would be, I wouldn't change a thing. I've got my sweet little family and I love all our little quirks. It's perfection in my eyes. Oh, and if anyone wants to have a lunch date at Target, let me know. . .
Back to the subject. One of my friend's has a son who started Kindergarten this year. We were talking about waiting at the bus stop, field trips, and PTO. It took me a minute to figure out what PTO was because at work it means "Paid Time Off." I forgot that it also means "Parent/Teacher Organization." At least, I think that's what it means. Anyway, we were laughing because we were talking about how much our lives have changed. There's no way when we were juniors at Ball State we thought we'd be having brunch and talking about PTO. Our main concern then was which black pants we were going to wear out to Dill Street. Oh and having enough time to pre-party - which meant drinking your cocktails while showering and drying your hair. My my have times have changed. We agreed that we're going to have to start playing Bunco.
I've had several moments over the past years that I couldn't have imagined myself doing even 5 years ago. As of this summer, I have had lunch at Target at the little Target Cafe. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would have been eating lunch there with my kids in the future, I would have laughed at you. However, nowadays I find myself at the Target Cafe nearly once a week having a rather enjoyable lunch with my kids before shopping my brains out. I've actually had lunch dates there. I know, this is getting worse by the minute. We were there today in fact. I looked around and saw three other moms with their kids there, so I didn't feel so bad. It's cheap and convenient, so it works. I never said I was a high roller. I do think I may have to invest in some high-waisted, unflattering-to-the-butt Mom jeans soon. Or a mini-van with the decal of my entire stick family and stick pets. I am kidding. If this ever happens, please just shoot me and put me out of my misery. I don't want to live like that.
Ike and I have gotten used to eating macaroni and cheese, pizza, and other kid staples for every meal. We add fruits and vegetables, but the main course is usually something the kids will like. I can make Kraft mac & cheese from the box and Addi will say, "Mommy, you're the best cooker. You should work at a restaurant." I love naivety. I had the bright idea of trying to reintroduce the kids to more healthful main courses. Kid-friendly foods aren't healthy, nor are they good for the waistline after a while. I made vegetable stir fry on Saturday night. Cam didn't eat anything other than the peas and rice. Addi did okay, but didn't eat much more than Cam. Then tonight I tried falafel. Yes, I know. What was I thinking? Most adults don't even like falafel, why did I think a 17 month old and a 4 year old would like it? At least both of them tried it, but both spit it out. So what did I do you ask? I ended up making them both peanut butter and jelly. FAIL. Ike and I ate the falafel and are now currently in falafel comas. We've met our falafel quota for the year. And I think I've said the word falafel 8,000 times. I'll stop now.
One year at Ball State, I was named "Best Dressed" in my sorority. Hooty Hoot, shout out to my Chi Omega Sisters. Nowadays, not so much. I have looked at my wardrobe and nearly cried. Granted, I wear scrubs to work, so I'm not too worried about my wardrobe three days a week. Then I look at the kids' closets and then I remember why I have no clothes. When I try to go shopping for myself, I find myself in the kids' section. It's like the gigantic magnetic force that attracts me to it. It's uncontrollable. I know lots of moms who suffer from this same problem. Remember those Mom jeans I talked about earlier? Well, I'll never have them because I don't buy anything for myself anyway, so please stop worrying.
One thing I never thought I'd have to give up is singing in the car. It's my safe place to belt out my tunes. I don't even sing in the shower, unless no one is home. I realize I am not blessed in this area. But I figured it would still be okay to sing in the car when my kids were in there. I was wrong. Today I was singing to The Band Perry's If I Die Young and Addison said, "Mommy please stop singing. It doesn't sound so good." She's said things like this to me before about my singing, but today I thought I was singing quietly. Apparently when you are so off key, it doesn't matter how quietly you're singing. Thanks, Addi. I'm well aware now.
I could go on and on about how things have changed and things I never thought I'd do 10 years ago are my reality today. The lunches at Target, the meals I cook that are denied by my kids, my lacking wardrobe, etc. I think any parent will tell you that they do things they never thought they would because of and for their kids. And though life is so completely different than I ever thought it would be, I wouldn't change a thing. I've got my sweet little family and I love all our little quirks. It's perfection in my eyes. Oh, and if anyone wants to have a lunch date at Target, let me know. . .
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
In the Words of Addison
My daughter, Addison, is 4 going on 16. She's super smart and says some pretty hysterical things. I actually started a Laugh Book, a little notebook I fill out with funny things she says and does. I'm planning on making one for Camden once he starts talking too. I can only imagine what's going to come out of that little stinker's mouth when he really starts talking.
Anyway, one day Addi, Cam and I were playing in Addi's room. Camden started to get ahold of Addi's stuffed animals. She quickly became perturbed and started to pick them all up and even took one away from Cam. I asked her not to do that and to share. I asked her why she took them away from her brother and she replied, "Because I don't want them to get all Camden-ish." Camdenish huh? Wow, the boy has his own adjective now.
Often at bedtime, Addi prefers to draw on her Doodle Pro instead of being read to. One night, she was writing her numbers for Ike. She wrote her 9 like a P. Ike told her she had done a great job but that her 9 was backwards. She argued with him that it was right. He told her again that the stick needed to be on the right side of the circle instead of the left side. She once again said no that it was right. Then out of the blue she said very sternly, "It's a Chinese 9 Daddy!" Like duh Daddy.
Another time, about a week ago, I had finished giving her a bath. She has curly hair and I have to put gel in it after her bath to keep it from getting frizzy. Once she got out I got some gel in my hands and she swiped a little and started putting it in her belly button. I asked her what in the world she was doing and she said, "I want my belly button to smell good." At least if there's any hair in her navel it won't be going anywhere. Weird, weird child.
I just realized all these things happened last week. Why was she so strange last week? I do remember seeing a full moon. Maybe that had something to do with it?
She said another funny thing last week that I have to share. After using the potty, she looked at me and said, "Remember that time I stood up and peed? That made a big mess, didn't it?" Um, no I don't remember that but please don't do that again.
The best is when we go into a public restroom. Of course there will be one person in a stall and Addison will say, "It stinks! Who's in here?" Wow, now THAT is embarrassing. We usually end up hiding in our stall until the other person leaves or hurrying up in hopes they stay in their stall before witnessing our faces. I swear we do teach our child manners.
If you have young kids I highly recommend starting a Laugh Book. It's a great way to write down the hilarious things they say. You will forget, trust me! I've already looked back at some of the things Addi said when she was 2 and would have completely forgotten had I not written them down. Plus, someday you can use it as blackmail.
Anyway, one day Addi, Cam and I were playing in Addi's room. Camden started to get ahold of Addi's stuffed animals. She quickly became perturbed and started to pick them all up and even took one away from Cam. I asked her not to do that and to share. I asked her why she took them away from her brother and she replied, "Because I don't want them to get all Camden-ish." Camdenish huh? Wow, the boy has his own adjective now.
Often at bedtime, Addi prefers to draw on her Doodle Pro instead of being read to. One night, she was writing her numbers for Ike. She wrote her 9 like a P. Ike told her she had done a great job but that her 9 was backwards. She argued with him that it was right. He told her again that the stick needed to be on the right side of the circle instead of the left side. She once again said no that it was right. Then out of the blue she said very sternly, "It's a Chinese 9 Daddy!" Like duh Daddy.
Another time, about a week ago, I had finished giving her a bath. She has curly hair and I have to put gel in it after her bath to keep it from getting frizzy. Once she got out I got some gel in my hands and she swiped a little and started putting it in her belly button. I asked her what in the world she was doing and she said, "I want my belly button to smell good." At least if there's any hair in her navel it won't be going anywhere. Weird, weird child.
I just realized all these things happened last week. Why was she so strange last week? I do remember seeing a full moon. Maybe that had something to do with it?
She said another funny thing last week that I have to share. After using the potty, she looked at me and said, "Remember that time I stood up and peed? That made a big mess, didn't it?" Um, no I don't remember that but please don't do that again.
The best is when we go into a public restroom. Of course there will be one person in a stall and Addison will say, "It stinks! Who's in here?" Wow, now THAT is embarrassing. We usually end up hiding in our stall until the other person leaves or hurrying up in hopes they stay in their stall before witnessing our faces. I swear we do teach our child manners.
If you have young kids I highly recommend starting a Laugh Book. It's a great way to write down the hilarious things they say. You will forget, trust me! I've already looked back at some of the things Addi said when she was 2 and would have completely forgotten had I not written them down. Plus, someday you can use it as blackmail.
Hug Your Kids Tighter
Those of you who are parents know how absolutely rewarding being a parent can be. When they laugh, when they learn, when they say "Mama" or "Dada" for the first time, when they love you back. You also know how incredibly frustrating being a parent can be. When they don't listen, when they cry for no apparent reason, when they wake up in the middle of the night and won't go back to sleep. Luckily, the good always outweighs the bad.
As I've mentioned in my previous entries, I work in the pediatric ICU. It's taught me a lot about life and the fragility of it. Yesterday I went to a showing of a young man. Not of a former patient, but a coworker's son. We got there early because I figured there would be tons of people there since he was a young man with a great family, well-loved by their church and community. I was right, we were in line for a while.
As I waited in line to give her my condolences, I studied her. I watched her hug each guest, smiling but still showing the pain in her eyes. Once it was my turn, she hugged me and said some pretty powerful things. She said, "Love your kids, love them everyday because you just never know. You just don't know." Her son had died in a tragic accident. She said she found comfort in knowing that he was with the Lord now because he was a Christian. She also said that even though she still wanted to be his mom here on earth, she knew that he was being taken care of and didn't need a thing anymore.
The words that she spoke really hit me. You just don't know. You just don't know when something will happen. And though I see this commonly in the PICU, it's a little different when it happens to someone you know. It hits close to home. I've always tried to put myself in parents' shoes at my work, but now I'm trying to put myself in a coworker's shoes and it seems much more real. Anything can happen at anytime. A split second is all it takes for your world to be turned upside-down. The thought that it could never happen to me has been erased. I hope and pray it never does. I wish no parent had to go through this.
So love those kids. Love their good times and their naughty times. They're going to grow up fast. You can't get this time back. Treasure it while you have it. Hug them a little tighter tonight. There's one woman out there who won't be able to hug her baby again.
As I've mentioned in my previous entries, I work in the pediatric ICU. It's taught me a lot about life and the fragility of it. Yesterday I went to a showing of a young man. Not of a former patient, but a coworker's son. We got there early because I figured there would be tons of people there since he was a young man with a great family, well-loved by their church and community. I was right, we were in line for a while.
As I waited in line to give her my condolences, I studied her. I watched her hug each guest, smiling but still showing the pain in her eyes. Once it was my turn, she hugged me and said some pretty powerful things. She said, "Love your kids, love them everyday because you just never know. You just don't know." Her son had died in a tragic accident. She said she found comfort in knowing that he was with the Lord now because he was a Christian. She also said that even though she still wanted to be his mom here on earth, she knew that he was being taken care of and didn't need a thing anymore.
The words that she spoke really hit me. You just don't know. You just don't know when something will happen. And though I see this commonly in the PICU, it's a little different when it happens to someone you know. It hits close to home. I've always tried to put myself in parents' shoes at my work, but now I'm trying to put myself in a coworker's shoes and it seems much more real. Anything can happen at anytime. A split second is all it takes for your world to be turned upside-down. The thought that it could never happen to me has been erased. I hope and pray it never does. I wish no parent had to go through this.
So love those kids. Love their good times and their naughty times. They're going to grow up fast. You can't get this time back. Treasure it while you have it. Hug them a little tighter tonight. There's one woman out there who won't be able to hug her baby again.
Do You Just Know?
I've heard of stories where people will say or do something to elude to the fact that death is near and then they pass away several days later. I'm sure you have too.
Something interesting happened when my mom was at home cleaning and getting things sorted since my Dad's passing. It's almost been three months since he died. She was upstairs and found a piece of paper by the computer. It was in my Dad's writing. This is what it said:
Angels of God from Heaven so bright
Watch over my children and guide them aright
Fold your wings round them and guard them with love
Sing to them softly of Heaven above.
I am sure he wanted it to be found. I just wonder if he knew he was about to die. He must have had some inkling. I know he wasn't feeling well his last few weeks on earth. I'm so thankful that my mom found the piece of paper and told me about it. This prayer is something that gives me comfort and peace. I'm sure it gave my Dad comfort and peace as well, and I'm sure that's why he wrote it down.
I'm waiting to have something happen to me like what happened to me after my grandpa died. My grandpa always smoked a pipe, and even though that's what ultimately took his life (lung cancer), I still loved the way it smelled. We were at an Alzheimer's walk and walking in memory of him (he also had Alzheimer's) the spring after he passed, and as Ike and I were filling out our "In Memory of" race tags, I smelled that wonderful smell of a pipe. Ike did too. I looked around and no one was smoking, not even a cigarette. We were at a race after all. Who would have been smoking? I'm sure it was just my grandpa thanking us and letting us know he was watching us walk in his memory.
I'm hoping I will have some sort of thing like that happen with my Dad. I've only had one good dream about him, the other one I had was a nightmare and took me back to the night he died. I don't really want to have those types of dreams. The good one was of him in his football coaching gear. He looked young, maybe in his 30's or early 40's, talking to his coaching buddies. I only saw him from afar and it was at a mall - which was random. My Dad didn't like the mall at all. But my dream was good. He looked healthy and I always loved when he wore his football coaching stuff. I didn't get to talk to him or anything, but I saw him at least. I thought it was interesting that he looked to be so much younger. I've read a few books about near death accounts where people visit heaven for a short time and that everyone is about 30 or younger. I'm just thankful that he's well taken care of and doesn't need anything since he is with the ultimate caregiver now.
I think he knew his time was drawing near. Do you know anyone who you think just knew?
Something interesting happened when my mom was at home cleaning and getting things sorted since my Dad's passing. It's almost been three months since he died. She was upstairs and found a piece of paper by the computer. It was in my Dad's writing. This is what it said:
Angels of God from Heaven so bright
Watch over my children and guide them aright
Fold your wings round them and guard them with love
Sing to them softly of Heaven above.
I am sure he wanted it to be found. I just wonder if he knew he was about to die. He must have had some inkling. I know he wasn't feeling well his last few weeks on earth. I'm so thankful that my mom found the piece of paper and told me about it. This prayer is something that gives me comfort and peace. I'm sure it gave my Dad comfort and peace as well, and I'm sure that's why he wrote it down.
I'm waiting to have something happen to me like what happened to me after my grandpa died. My grandpa always smoked a pipe, and even though that's what ultimately took his life (lung cancer), I still loved the way it smelled. We were at an Alzheimer's walk and walking in memory of him (he also had Alzheimer's) the spring after he passed, and as Ike and I were filling out our "In Memory of" race tags, I smelled that wonderful smell of a pipe. Ike did too. I looked around and no one was smoking, not even a cigarette. We were at a race after all. Who would have been smoking? I'm sure it was just my grandpa thanking us and letting us know he was watching us walk in his memory.
I'm hoping I will have some sort of thing like that happen with my Dad. I've only had one good dream about him, the other one I had was a nightmare and took me back to the night he died. I don't really want to have those types of dreams. The good one was of him in his football coaching gear. He looked young, maybe in his 30's or early 40's, talking to his coaching buddies. I only saw him from afar and it was at a mall - which was random. My Dad didn't like the mall at all. But my dream was good. He looked healthy and I always loved when he wore his football coaching stuff. I didn't get to talk to him or anything, but I saw him at least. I thought it was interesting that he looked to be so much younger. I've read a few books about near death accounts where people visit heaven for a short time and that everyone is about 30 or younger. I'm just thankful that he's well taken care of and doesn't need anything since he is with the ultimate caregiver now.
I think he knew his time was drawing near. Do you know anyone who you think just knew?
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Well THAT's Annoying
So here are some of the things that drive me nuts.
I can't stand when someone says to you, "You look tired today." I think what they really mean is, "Wow, you really look like shit today." Gee thanks. How are you supposed to respond to that? "Yes, I am very tired. I work 12 hour shifts as a registered nurse on the most critical pediatric unit in Indiana and have two small children at home and I don't really have time to sleep. Thanks for your concern." So if you ever think someone (ie me) looks tired, please don't tell me. I already know.
Women who wear eyeshadow but no mascara. That is weird. It doesn't look nice. The powder gets on your eyelashes and then they are even lighter, making you look like you have no eyelashes. So please, either don't wear eyeshadow, or just add mascara to your daily make-up routine.
When you hold the door for someone or let them cut in front of you while you're driving and you don't get any sort of acknowledgement or thanks. Um, I'm sorry, I'm not the doorman. At least say thanks, wave, something!
Finding hair in my food. This is actually more disgusting than annoying, but I do get annoyed because then my appetite is gone. I usually search for hairs so I find them before they go in my mouth. You'd be surprised how many you can find by looking. I don't know if there is anything nastier than pulling a big long hair from your mouth. Gives me the eebie jeebies just thinking about it. Sick!
Another annoying/disgusting thing in food - funny bites, especially in meat. What was thatknuckle texture I just bit in to? Cartilige, a vein, fat, part of a beak? This is why I was vegetarian for a while. Too many funny bites.
Why are we turning teens from Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant into celebrities? Ridiculous. I have NEVER watched those shows and I refuse to. I read an article saying that teen girls are trying to get pregnant to get on those shows so they can be famous. I can't believe they are on the cover of magazines now. Sad, sad, sad. And annoying.
People who come to work crappy. Sure we're all entitled to a bad day, but there are some who come in every day with a bad attitude, or literally don't talk to anyone. . . ever. Hey, guess what - you have to be here, so why not make the most of it? Work is a lot more fun when you have friends there.
People who have a Facebook status update daily or several times daily. Maybe you should try Twitter instead? Just sayin.
When people are talking on Bluetooths but you can't see the Bluetooth. I have actually answered a lady who asked a question to the person on the other end because I didn't realize she had a Bluetooth on. I felt really stupid. But you have to admit, people who talk on Bluetooths look kind ofschizo crazy because they always appear to be talking to themselves.
One uppers. You have a story, they have one better. And not only do they have a better story, they will also interrupt your story to tell you their better story. One uppers & interrupters. A. NNOY. ING!
The music at Abercrombie & Fitch. Why is it so loud? Am I just getting old? Does it need to be that loud? I can hear it 3 stores away!
People who cuss loudly in public, especially when children are present. I took my daughter to a Colts game and we heard the F-bomb about 40 times from the people sitting directly behind us. They clearly saw a small 4 year old sitting in front of them. I realize it is a sporting event where alcohol is served, but at least have some couth and see who is around before turning into a f*cking sailor.
Wal-mart. I literally can't stand it. I will go anywhere but there. I feel like it's dirty, cramped, and busy. Oh and the bright flourescent lighting is so not flattering. I don't care if I have to pay more elsewhere. The few bucks I save is not worth my sanity. I won't even get started on some of the shoppers. We've all seen, right?
People who always cancel on you last minute. I realize things come up and if it happens once in awhile, that's completely understandable. But then there are the serial cancellers. You invite them, but know you'll be getting a text or phone call saying they can't make it. Well guess what? I'm not going to ask you to do anything anymore - na na na na boo boo.
When people say "supposeably" instead of "supposedly." Last time I checked, there is no 'b' in that word, so please don't pronounce it that way. Also, when people say, "I could care less." Well if you say that then you could actually care a little less than you currently do. If you say it correctly, "I couldn't care less," then that means you care the least amount possible. Make sense? I think it bugs me because I'm an English teacher's daughter. I get it honestly.
Last one, when you order something to go and you get all the way home just to find that your order is jacked up. Well, that's just fantastic. I paid for it and didn't get it. Now not only am I annoyed that it's missing and I'm out that money, but now I have to make something for the person who is missing their order. The whole reason I ordered to go was so I didn't have to cook. Fan-freaking-tastic.
What annoys you. . . hopefully not this blog!
I can't stand when someone says to you, "You look tired today." I think what they really mean is, "Wow, you really look like shit today." Gee thanks. How are you supposed to respond to that? "Yes, I am very tired. I work 12 hour shifts as a registered nurse on the most critical pediatric unit in Indiana and have two small children at home and I don't really have time to sleep. Thanks for your concern." So if you ever think someone (ie me) looks tired, please don't tell me. I already know.
Women who wear eyeshadow but no mascara. That is weird. It doesn't look nice. The powder gets on your eyelashes and then they are even lighter, making you look like you have no eyelashes. So please, either don't wear eyeshadow, or just add mascara to your daily make-up routine.
When you hold the door for someone or let them cut in front of you while you're driving and you don't get any sort of acknowledgement or thanks. Um, I'm sorry, I'm not the doorman. At least say thanks, wave, something!
Finding hair in my food. This is actually more disgusting than annoying, but I do get annoyed because then my appetite is gone. I usually search for hairs so I find them before they go in my mouth. You'd be surprised how many you can find by looking. I don't know if there is anything nastier than pulling a big long hair from your mouth. Gives me the eebie jeebies just thinking about it. Sick!
Another annoying/disgusting thing in food - funny bites, especially in meat. What was that
Why are we turning teens from Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant into celebrities? Ridiculous. I have NEVER watched those shows and I refuse to. I read an article saying that teen girls are trying to get pregnant to get on those shows so they can be famous. I can't believe they are on the cover of magazines now. Sad, sad, sad. And annoying.
People who come to work crappy. Sure we're all entitled to a bad day, but there are some who come in every day with a bad attitude, or literally don't talk to anyone. . . ever. Hey, guess what - you have to be here, so why not make the most of it? Work is a lot more fun when you have friends there.
People who have a Facebook status update daily or several times daily. Maybe you should try Twitter instead? Just sayin.
When people are talking on Bluetooths but you can't see the Bluetooth. I have actually answered a lady who asked a question to the person on the other end because I didn't realize she had a Bluetooth on. I felt really stupid. But you have to admit, people who talk on Bluetooths look kind of
One uppers. You have a story, they have one better. And not only do they have a better story, they will also interrupt your story to tell you their better story. One uppers & interrupters. A. NNOY. ING!
The music at Abercrombie & Fitch. Why is it so loud? Am I just getting old? Does it need to be that loud? I can hear it 3 stores away!
People who cuss loudly in public, especially when children are present. I took my daughter to a Colts game and we heard the F-bomb about 40 times from the people sitting directly behind us. They clearly saw a small 4 year old sitting in front of them. I realize it is a sporting event where alcohol is served, but at least have some couth and see who is around before turning into a f*cking sailor.
Wal-mart. I literally can't stand it. I will go anywhere but there. I feel like it's dirty, cramped, and busy. Oh and the bright flourescent lighting is so not flattering. I don't care if I have to pay more elsewhere. The few bucks I save is not worth my sanity. I won't even get started on some of the shoppers. We've all seen, right?
People who always cancel on you last minute. I realize things come up and if it happens once in awhile, that's completely understandable. But then there are the serial cancellers. You invite them, but know you'll be getting a text or phone call saying they can't make it. Well guess what? I'm not going to ask you to do anything anymore - na na na na boo boo.
When people say "supposeably" instead of "supposedly." Last time I checked, there is no 'b' in that word, so please don't pronounce it that way. Also, when people say, "I could care less." Well if you say that then you could actually care a little less than you currently do. If you say it correctly, "I couldn't care less," then that means you care the least amount possible. Make sense? I think it bugs me because I'm an English teacher's daughter. I get it honestly.
Last one, when you order something to go and you get all the way home just to find that your order is jacked up. Well, that's just fantastic. I paid for it and didn't get it. Now not only am I annoyed that it's missing and I'm out that money, but now I have to make something for the person who is missing their order. The whole reason I ordered to go was so I didn't have to cook. Fan-freaking-tastic.
What annoys you. . . hopefully not this blog!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Things I've Learned in the PICU
So I've been a registered nurse in the pediatric ICU at Riley Hospital for two years now. I've learned a lot, seen a lot of happy stuff, seen some pretty sad stuff. I've grown, not only as a RN, but also as a person. Here are some of the lessons I've learned - the good, the bad, the ugly.
1. If you wear Dansko shoes, you will roll your ankle at least once a day, and other people will see you do it, so don't act like it didn't happen.
2. Don't walk too quickly on the unit or all the other RNs will think a patient is crashing and ask what's wrong.
3. There are a lot of great families out there. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who should not be allowed to breed.
4. Respiratory therapists are a RN's best friend.
5. Parents should not be allowed to watch Jerry Springer when a child is present.
6. If you forget your badge, your day is going to be a giant pain in the ass.
7. I'm never going to know it all.
8. If there is a full moon, it is probably going to be a crazy day.
9. Greasy fries and a chocolate shake from McDonald's are good for comforting the soul after a bad day.
10. Only other RNs get it. Your spouse doesn't get it, your mom doesn't get it, your friend doesn't get it. (Unless they are RNs too.)
11. Children are resilient and can bounce back from some really crazy stuff.
12. RN's like when you bring them food.
13. OCD is a terrible thing to waste. It's actually very useful in the PICU.
14. Go with your gut, it's usually right.
15. I work with some pretty awesome people. Shout out to my PICU Peeps!
16. I have made good friends with former patients' families. Never thought that would happen, but I'm glad it has.
17. That hard outer shell I've developed is really just there to protect me from all the sadness. I am still gooey inside.
18. When I get in my car after a rough day, I'm a mess. It's my safe place to let go and cry.
19. If you don't have your health, not much else matters.
20. Treasure every day, because life can change in a matter of seconds.
21. Child abusers should be tortured.
22. Nothing is harder than hearing a mother wailing after she's lost her child.
23. I will always cry when I see patients' dads cry. It's a given.
24. Miracles really do happen.
25. Children are absolutely precious.
26. Angels do exist.
27. I love working in the PICU.
1. If you wear Dansko shoes, you will roll your ankle at least once a day, and other people will see you do it, so don't act like it didn't happen.
2. Don't walk too quickly on the unit or all the other RNs will think a patient is crashing and ask what's wrong.
3. There are a lot of great families out there. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who should not be allowed to breed.
4. Respiratory therapists are a RN's best friend.
5. Parents should not be allowed to watch Jerry Springer when a child is present.
6. If you forget your badge, your day is going to be a giant pain in the ass.
7. I'm never going to know it all.
8. If there is a full moon, it is probably going to be a crazy day.
9. Greasy fries and a chocolate shake from McDonald's are good for comforting the soul after a bad day.
10. Only other RNs get it. Your spouse doesn't get it, your mom doesn't get it, your friend doesn't get it. (Unless they are RNs too.)
11. Children are resilient and can bounce back from some really crazy stuff.
12. RN's like when you bring them food.
13. OCD is a terrible thing to waste. It's actually very useful in the PICU.
14. Go with your gut, it's usually right.
15. I work with some pretty awesome people. Shout out to my PICU Peeps!
16. I have made good friends with former patients' families. Never thought that would happen, but I'm glad it has.
17. That hard outer shell I've developed is really just there to protect me from all the sadness. I am still gooey inside.
18. When I get in my car after a rough day, I'm a mess. It's my safe place to let go and cry.
19. If you don't have your health, not much else matters.
20. Treasure every day, because life can change in a matter of seconds.
21. Child abusers should be tortured.
22. Nothing is harder than hearing a mother wailing after she's lost her child.
23. I will always cry when I see patients' dads cry. It's a given.
24. Miracles really do happen.
25. Children are absolutely precious.
26. Angels do exist.
27. I love working in the PICU.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Beautiful Chaos
Well, Camden is now 16 months old and Addison is 4 years old. Life is always entertaining, busy, and noisy in the Eicher household. It's suppposed to be with kids these ages. "Beautiful chaos" is what it should be called.
Camden is a stinker. He's ornery and has a short-temper. He takes after his father. I think it's the Irish in him! However, he also acts Italian. He puts his arms out, palms facing upward and reaches up to you with this pitiful look on his face. It's like he's saying in his best Italian accent, "Hey, hey, hey, you knowa you wanna holda me!"
He's a pincher. He's a biter, though I think that may have stopped. He got written up twice already at daycare for biting another child. At the time he was getting 6 teeth at once! I do not condone biting in case you were wondering. I just can't believe he's only 1 and has already been written up at school. Hopefully this isn't a taste of what's to come.
He loves to throw everything, he's got quite the arm. When I said he throws everything, I meant it literally. He throws everything, including himself. He'll throw his body across the floor and do carpet dives. I'm thinking he may be a pitcher, or because of his fearlessness, a quarterback. He can be whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned. If he wants to be the baton twirler and wear a pretty sequins outfit, I don't care, as long as he's happy. But I'm pretty sure he's a rough, rugged, down-in-the-dirt type of boy. In fact, he loves to walk and roll around in mulch. How does that feel good? He will literally lay down in it and roll around in it.
He's a smiley baby, but gets mad when he's frustrated. All the ladies at his daycare love him and he always comes home smelling of several types of perfume. He's already a ladies' man, what can I say? They love his smile, the dimple in his right cheek, and his squinty eyes when he's smiling. He got those from his grandpa. He's also developed this rotten little laugh, it almost sounds evil. He's got his cute normal laugh, but then when he gets really excited about something (i.e. french fries, ice cream, etc.) he gets this Beavis & Butthead laugh. I need to get video of it. It's quite amusing. He's quite the little comedian, sportsman, and loverboy. I love that little man. And I think we're going to have our hands full with this one. Watch out world!
Addison is growing up to be quite the little lady. She's 4 going on 18. She LOVES shoes. She loves them so much in fact that whenever she meets someone, the first thing she'll do after saying hello is look at their shoes. She especially loves her cowboy boots and wants to wear them with everything. I think she'd sleep in them if we let her.
She's tender-hearted, so smart, and so kind. She's got a great heart and is a wonderful big sister to Camden. She watches over him and protects him. Of course she gets mad when he takes her stuff, but all in all, she adores him as much as he adores her. Camden watches Addison's every move. He's in awe of her, as are the rest of us. She's something special, that little girl.
Addison is into gymnastics and cheerleading and loves it! We need to get her back in to tap and ballet as well for the fall. We're also thinking about soccer, but I don't want to overwhelm her, so we may wait until next year for that.
Speaking of next year, it is so hard for me to believe she'll be in kindergarten in 2012! Where did my baby go? She's very excited about it. The other day she put on her backpack and said, "Mommy, pretend I'm 5 and I have to go to college." Wow. When I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up she said she wants to "do hair and be a veterinarian." Maybe she'll be a groomer? Ha ha! Again, she can do whatever she wants, as long as it makes her happy! I lived too long trying to figure out what I wanted to do and I just want my kids to do what they love! Life's too short not to.
Back to Addi. She says some of the funniest things. Last weekend I had to work and my hubby took the kids to Nordstrom. A lady stopped and asked them if they needed anything and Addison, in a very matter-of-fact voice said, "Yes. I need to poop." Ha ha! One time when I was playing Barbies with her, I was Ken (who was sans clothing) and Barbie (aka Addison) said to Ken, "Get some clothes on and marry me or I'm gonna throw you out the window!" She's something else.
She's a perfectionist, athletic, caring, smart, fashionable & quite the firecracker! She'll tell you what she thinks, even if you didn't ask! She's very opinionated and has thoughts about everything. I never thought I'd be letting a 4 year old dress herself, but she knows what she wants to wear. She actually started having an opinion about her clothes as early as 3 years old. I love that she's sensitive, but still strong in her opinions. I don't want to break her of that. Girls need that these days! I love that little lady.
I'm still a RN at Riley in the Pediatric ICU. Ike is in advertising and is loving his current position at an agency in Broad Ripple. This month we will have been married for 9 years! We're so lucky and have so much love surrounding us even though this summer has been quite sad with the recent passing of my dad. We know he's watching over us, but that doens't always make it better. It'd be better if he were still here with us. We're just thankful he was in our lives for as long as he was, even if it wasn't long enough. God has blessed us so many times over and we give all our praise to him. I don't know what I did to deserve so many blessings. But I'm thankful for the Beautiful Chaos!
Camden is a stinker. He's ornery and has a short-temper. He takes after his father. I think it's the Irish in him! However, he also acts Italian. He puts his arms out, palms facing upward and reaches up to you with this pitiful look on his face. It's like he's saying in his best Italian accent, "Hey, hey, hey, you knowa you wanna holda me!"
He's a pincher. He's a biter, though I think that may have stopped. He got written up twice already at daycare for biting another child. At the time he was getting 6 teeth at once! I do not condone biting in case you were wondering. I just can't believe he's only 1 and has already been written up at school. Hopefully this isn't a taste of what's to come.
He loves to throw everything, he's got quite the arm. When I said he throws everything, I meant it literally. He throws everything, including himself. He'll throw his body across the floor and do carpet dives. I'm thinking he may be a pitcher, or because of his fearlessness, a quarterback. He can be whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned. If he wants to be the baton twirler and wear a pretty sequins outfit, I don't care, as long as he's happy. But I'm pretty sure he's a rough, rugged, down-in-the-dirt type of boy. In fact, he loves to walk and roll around in mulch. How does that feel good? He will literally lay down in it and roll around in it.
He's a smiley baby, but gets mad when he's frustrated. All the ladies at his daycare love him and he always comes home smelling of several types of perfume. He's already a ladies' man, what can I say? They love his smile, the dimple in his right cheek, and his squinty eyes when he's smiling. He got those from his grandpa. He's also developed this rotten little laugh, it almost sounds evil. He's got his cute normal laugh, but then when he gets really excited about something (i.e. french fries, ice cream, etc.) he gets this Beavis & Butthead laugh. I need to get video of it. It's quite amusing. He's quite the little comedian, sportsman, and loverboy. I love that little man. And I think we're going to have our hands full with this one. Watch out world!
Addison is growing up to be quite the little lady. She's 4 going on 18. She LOVES shoes. She loves them so much in fact that whenever she meets someone, the first thing she'll do after saying hello is look at their shoes. She especially loves her cowboy boots and wants to wear them with everything. I think she'd sleep in them if we let her.
She's tender-hearted, so smart, and so kind. She's got a great heart and is a wonderful big sister to Camden. She watches over him and protects him. Of course she gets mad when he takes her stuff, but all in all, she adores him as much as he adores her. Camden watches Addison's every move. He's in awe of her, as are the rest of us. She's something special, that little girl.
Addison is into gymnastics and cheerleading and loves it! We need to get her back in to tap and ballet as well for the fall. We're also thinking about soccer, but I don't want to overwhelm her, so we may wait until next year for that.
Speaking of next year, it is so hard for me to believe she'll be in kindergarten in 2012! Where did my baby go? She's very excited about it. The other day she put on her backpack and said, "Mommy, pretend I'm 5 and I have to go to college." Wow. When I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up she said she wants to "do hair and be a veterinarian." Maybe she'll be a groomer? Ha ha! Again, she can do whatever she wants, as long as it makes her happy! I lived too long trying to figure out what I wanted to do and I just want my kids to do what they love! Life's too short not to.
Back to Addi. She says some of the funniest things. Last weekend I had to work and my hubby took the kids to Nordstrom. A lady stopped and asked them if they needed anything and Addison, in a very matter-of-fact voice said, "Yes. I need to poop." Ha ha! One time when I was playing Barbies with her, I was Ken (who was sans clothing) and Barbie (aka Addison) said to Ken, "Get some clothes on and marry me or I'm gonna throw you out the window!" She's something else.
She's a perfectionist, athletic, caring, smart, fashionable & quite the firecracker! She'll tell you what she thinks, even if you didn't ask! She's very opinionated and has thoughts about everything. I never thought I'd be letting a 4 year old dress herself, but she knows what she wants to wear. She actually started having an opinion about her clothes as early as 3 years old. I love that she's sensitive, but still strong in her opinions. I don't want to break her of that. Girls need that these days! I love that little lady.
I'm still a RN at Riley in the Pediatric ICU. Ike is in advertising and is loving his current position at an agency in Broad Ripple. This month we will have been married for 9 years! We're so lucky and have so much love surrounding us even though this summer has been quite sad with the recent passing of my dad. We know he's watching over us, but that doens't always make it better. It'd be better if he were still here with us. We're just thankful he was in our lives for as long as he was, even if it wasn't long enough. God has blessed us so many times over and we give all our praise to him. I don't know what I did to deserve so many blessings. But I'm thankful for the Beautiful Chaos!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The Things I Love
Besides the obvious - Jesus, family, friends, the USA - here are some of the things I love the most.
1. Thunderstorms, as long as I'm home and so is the rest of my family.
2. Sweatshirt weather, not too cold, not too hot.
3. Drinking hot chocolate at a high school football game on a chilly Friday night.
4. Autumn in Indiana. Love the crispness of the air, the colors of the leaves, & football season!
7. Feeling sand between my toes. On the beach. Not the same effect when in a sand box. I've tried, plus there's cat poop in sand boxes.
8. My cowboy boots. They're comfy and cute.
9. The smell of new ballet shoes. Takes me back to my childhood and dance class. Used ballet shoes don't smell so nice.
10. Sitting out on the patio enjoying a cocktail on a warm summer night. Or I should say "a few" cocktails. I could do without the 8000 mosquito bites I get though.
11. The Fresh Market. That place just makes me feel happy inside. Maybe because it is so organized.
12. Hearing the National Anthem at sporting events. I don't know why, but I get a little emotional each time any more! Damn hormones.
13. Hudson jeans. They are so soft but fit like a glove. I make them sound like Pajama Jeans and they are not.
14. Mascara and eye liner. Anyone who knows me, knows this.
15. People who write thank you notes. If you took the time to do something nice or give me a gift, I'll probably write you a thank you note. By the way, thanks for reading my blog :)
16. Blazing fireplaces. LOVE them! I hate my gas one though. It raises our gas bill $80 for one day of use. Ridiculous. My next house will have a wood-burning one for sure.
17. Having a White Christmas. I can't imagine being somewhere warm on Christmas. It just wouldn't feel right to me.
18. Speaking of Christmas, I love Christmas Eve. I love the traditions of my family, the anticipation of what's to come, the lights, the excitement, and just being together.
19. Dresses, particularly sundresses. They're easy, they're pretty, and they make you feel uber girly.
20. Paula Deen. She's southern, she cooks food with butter in it, lots of butter. And she's always happy. What's not to love?
21. Real novels. I don't get the Kindle or Nook thing. There's just something nice about the smell and feel of holding an actual book.
22. Monthly Planners. I must have it with me at all times. It's like my whole little life in one tiny book. Doesn't get more convenient than that.
23. My iPhone. I don't leave the house without it. However in the house is another story, I usually can't find it.
24. Dolphins. I think they're so cute and smart. I once was chosen to be the helper at the Dolphin Show at King's Island. I found out my Dad bribed the trainers prior to the show. It was awesome.
25. Rocking a baby to sleep. It's the most comforting, joyful, peaceful feeling on earth. As long as the baby isn't crying that is.
26. Vacuuming. It might be an OCD thing, but I have to have lines in the carpet. I think I also enjoy it so much because I have a Dyson. I still don't know how it picks up that much stuff. Are we that dirty?
27. Nice crisp clean sheets. I would have someone change and iron my sheets everyday if I could afford it. I think I sleep better with clean, tight fitting sheets. I find it extremely annoying when the sheets get all loose and wrinkly. And I know it effects my sleep.
1. Thunderstorms, as long as I'm home and so is the rest of my family.
2. Sweatshirt weather, not too cold, not too hot.
3. Drinking hot chocolate at a high school football game on a chilly Friday night.
4. Autumn in Indiana. Love the crispness of the air, the colors of the leaves, & football season!
5. Anything chocolate and peanut butter. That has to be the best combination ever discovered.
Reese's Pieces, Reese's Cups, Butterfinger, 5th Avenue, etc.
Reese's Pieces, Reese's Cups, Butterfinger, 5th Avenue, etc.
6. Boating on a warm sunny day and just closing my eyes, listening to nothing but the hum of the engine, splashing of the water, and feeling the sunshine pounding on my cheeks.
7. Feeling sand between my toes. On the beach. Not the same effect when in a sand box. I've tried, plus there's cat poop in sand boxes.
8. My cowboy boots. They're comfy and cute.
9. The smell of new ballet shoes. Takes me back to my childhood and dance class. Used ballet shoes don't smell so nice.
10. Sitting out on the patio enjoying a cocktail on a warm summer night. Or I should say "a few" cocktails. I could do without the 8000 mosquito bites I get though.
11. The Fresh Market. That place just makes me feel happy inside. Maybe because it is so organized.
12. Hearing the National Anthem at sporting events. I don't know why, but I get a little emotional each time any more! Damn hormones.
13. Hudson jeans. They are so soft but fit like a glove. I make them sound like Pajama Jeans and they are not.
14. Mascara and eye liner. Anyone who knows me, knows this.
15. People who write thank you notes. If you took the time to do something nice or give me a gift, I'll probably write you a thank you note. By the way, thanks for reading my blog :)
16. Blazing fireplaces. LOVE them! I hate my gas one though. It raises our gas bill $80 for one day of use. Ridiculous. My next house will have a wood-burning one for sure.
17. Having a White Christmas. I can't imagine being somewhere warm on Christmas. It just wouldn't feel right to me.
18. Speaking of Christmas, I love Christmas Eve. I love the traditions of my family, the anticipation of what's to come, the lights, the excitement, and just being together.
19. Dresses, particularly sundresses. They're easy, they're pretty, and they make you feel uber girly.
20. Paula Deen. She's southern, she cooks food with butter in it, lots of butter. And she's always happy. What's not to love?
21. Real novels. I don't get the Kindle or Nook thing. There's just something nice about the smell and feel of holding an actual book.
22. Monthly Planners. I must have it with me at all times. It's like my whole little life in one tiny book. Doesn't get more convenient than that.
23. My iPhone. I don't leave the house without it. However in the house is another story, I usually can't find it.
24. Dolphins. I think they're so cute and smart. I once was chosen to be the helper at the Dolphin Show at King's Island. I found out my Dad bribed the trainers prior to the show. It was awesome.
25. Rocking a baby to sleep. It's the most comforting, joyful, peaceful feeling on earth. As long as the baby isn't crying that is.
26. Vacuuming. It might be an OCD thing, but I have to have lines in the carpet. I think I also enjoy it so much because I have a Dyson. I still don't know how it picks up that much stuff. Are we that dirty?
27. Nice crisp clean sheets. I would have someone change and iron my sheets everyday if I could afford it. I think I sleep better with clean, tight fitting sheets. I find it extremely annoying when the sheets get all loose and wrinkly. And I know it effects my sleep.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Say What?

1. Mommy just needs some silence for 5 minutes!
2. Stop licking the floor!
3. You cannot put that Barbie shoe there!
4. No, you may not poop in the bathtub.
5. That better be the first and last tattoo I ever see on you. (It was a temporary tattoo)
6. Please God, grant me some patience!
7. It's not appropriate to go outside naked, please put some clothes on.
8. Stop smearing food on the wall!
9. Don't smash food in your hair!
10. Get that food out of your ear!
11. Because I said so!
12. Remember, Santa Claus is watching.
13. Is that poop or chocolate?
14. Please, please, please go to sleep.
15. I can't believe I thought I was busy before I had kids.
16. You will never go on Spring Break without mom and dad there.
17. I want you to stay little forever.
18. You are my whole world!
19. I wish I could bottle your giggles!
20. Someday these little hands will be bigger than Mommy's.
21. I can't imagine my life without you.
22. If anyone hurts you, I will kill them. (I clearly remember thinking this the first time I held my daughter)
23. You'll never know how much I love you until you have your own children.
24. Thank you God for these precious little lives you have entrusted me with. I don't know what I did to deserve them, but thank you.
Friday, July 22, 2011
It Just Happened, But It's Been an Eternity
Dear Dad,
Tomorrow will be a month since you're passing. I can't believe it's been a month since you've been gone. It feels like it just happened yesterday and that it can't already be a month, but in the same breath it feels like an eternity since I talked to you since we talked nearly every day. I dread every Friday because I just relive that fateful Friday night in my head every week. It's like having a scab that's trying to heal, but then it's ripped off and starts to bleed again. I know I'll have a scar someday, but I can't get it to stop bleeding.
At your funeral there were old students of yours, old football players you coached too. One stood out from the rest. He was a very large African American man, in his late 40's/ early 50's who said he went back to school to become a lawyer at 43 because of you. You were an inspiration to him and to so many. I always knew you were amazing, but seeing how many people loved you was inspiring. You were called "the life of the party, always smiling, a great football player, a caring teacher, an awesome coach, a wonderful, reliable friend, an amazing husband, and of course, an excellent father." You were great at everything you did. You immersed yourself in life and all the roles you had. I hope I can do that. I want to continue to make you proud.
I've learned that things aren't getting easier, they are getting harder. The pain doesn't go away the week of the funeral. It actually gets worse once the funeral is over. At least when you're planning the funeral your mind is busy. A couple days ago, for some reason, I was thinking about Christmas Eve dinner and I realized you won't be there this year. It literally took my breath away. I started to panic. Sometimes it just feels like you're on vacation. Then it hits me that you are indeed in paradise, but you're not coming back. I'm happy for you, but sad for me. It's selfish, I know, but I am not ashamed to admit it.
I wish I would have saved every note you put in my lunchbox when I was a kid. You made my lunch in the morning before you went to teach English in an IPS high school. I remember sitting at the school lunch table always so excited to see what my notes from you and Mom were going to be for the day. I started to get embarrassed when I got into 5th and 6th grade, but I still loved it. I wish I could have recorded some of our conversations and the reassurance you gave me. You always believed in me, were my biggest cheerleader, and had faith in my abilities. You were forever a teacher, always teaching me about life and myself.
I'm so thankful to my friends and coworkers. I'm grateful for those who check in on me weekly, who've sent cards or flowers, made meals, and just shown genuine concern and love. I've learned quickly who my true friends are. But it's okay because I think deep down I already knew before this all happened. And my real friends know that I love to talk about you. I wish people weren't afraid to ask me how I was doing. I know people are just being polite, and I appreciate it, but I'm okay. I'm not going to cry anytime someone asks me how I am coping. I enjoy talking about you and all you taught me. I want everyone to know about you and to learn about what an awesome dad you were. It's therapeutic for me to talk about you. So if you are a friend and you're reading this, please ask me about my Dad. He was the coolest! And yes, he could have beat up your dad :)
We're in the process of selling our house and I remember when you were with Ike and me taking our picture in front of our "Sold" sign 9 years ago. You were always there, always so involved. I know if you were here you'd be touring all these houses we're looking at. In fact, the other day, without prodding, Addison told Ike, "Pa will be with us when we go look at houses today." Then she asked Ike if Pa could see her and he told her yes. She looked up into the sky and waved and said "Hi Pa!" How sweet is that? When we say our evening prayers, she often tells Jesus she misses Pa. It breaks my heart, but warms it at the same time. Then yesterday, I was having a really hard time and started crying when I was in the kitchen. I was just thinking about how it's been a month and I miss you terribly. Addison came down and saw me crying and she just knew what was wrong. I didn't say anything when I realized she was watching me. She needs to know it's okay to grieve and to cry. She came up to me and in her sweet, quiet little voice said, "It's okay Mommy, Pa's always with you, even though you can't see him. You'll see him again someday." I just felt so calm after that. It's amazing how such a sweet, innocent little voice can bring such peace. I am so grateful that she has such a strong faith at such a young age. She knew just what I needed and she's only 4 years old.
Needless to say, I'm still reeling over your loss. I wonder how it's going to be without you for the rest of my life. I know the Lord will provide comfort for mom and all us girls, but my goodness you are missed. The last text I got from you said, "Keep the faith." It was from that fateful Friday. I will Dad, I will keep the faith. That's all I've got. I don't know how people who don't have faith make it through times like this. I will never delete that text and I will live by those words. I will keep the faith, Dad. I love you.
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