Ike and I just got back from Mexico on Monday night. We were there for my college roomie's wedding -aka the "Epic Mexican Wedding." It was just perfect. . . epic really, hence the title. I actually cried when we left the resort to come home. Does that make me a bad mom? Here's a recap.
Wednesday night Ike and I dropped the kids off at my in-laws house because we had a 6 a.m. flight Thursday morning. This was to be our first time ever away from the kids at the same time. We'd taken trips separately, but one of us had always been home with the kids prior to this, so we were both a little nervous. But we said our good-byes and waited until Camden was asleep before we left. Addison was so excited and said it was a vacation for her too. Thank goodness for FaceTime, which we did everyday.
We didn't have any trouble at the airport. Our first flight had such a nice surprise. Apparently, Mary Katherine Gallagher, Superstar, is now a flight attendant for Continental! Who knew? I wanted to get a closer shot of Continental Mary Katherine, but this was the best I could get. Same haircut, same glasses, same outfit. Continental MK also had some similar facial expressions to MK Superstar.
Continental Superstar! |
Then, when Ike and I got to Mexico and waited in line for Customs, we had two
ladies people behind us who looked like they came straight from Jersey Shore. They were super tan, had bigger muscles than my husband, bad make-up, and huge injected lips with bedazzled jeans and black tank tops. I wish I could have gotten a picture for you, but I probably would have gotten beat up. Not a good look
ladies peeps, not a good look at all.
Anyway, we got to the resort and it was awesome. It was called Le Reve located in Riviera Maya, Mexico - about 45 minutes away from the Cancun Airport. Jenn and Curtis rented the whole thing out, so it was just all of the wedding attendees and the Le Reve staff. We immediately got our swimsuits on and went out to the pool to visit with everyone who'd already arrived. Of course pool time meant drink time. Keep in mind we had only had breakfast, and it is now about 2 or 3. Anyway, we had so much fun hanging out in the pool and having drinks, I didn't realize how many drinks I consumed. I got in the shower and started to get ready for the white party to be held that evening at 6:00, but after I dried my hair I ended up passing out for a few hours. Oops! Ike kept telling me to get up but I just couldn't. I think I was so tired from getting up at 3 a.m. and drinking all kinds of stuff, I just couldn't do it. I finally got my booty up at 7:30 and got ready. The white party was so fun. It was on the beach. There was a bunch of food and a mariachi band - which I didn't make it in time to see, but I think they woke me up. We made s'mores on the beach in a fire pit in the sand. I wish I wouldn't have been two hours late, but I'm glad I wasn't passed out the whole time.
| | |
I woke up just in time, check my mohawk - crazy wind. |
The Girls |
Friday the waters were really rough so we didn't get to go on the catamaran cruise/snorkeling as originally planned, but we had so much fun at the resort. I imagine there would have been a lot of "motion sickness" had we all been on the ship together after all the boozing Thursday night. We hung out by the pool and went swimming in the ocean. Everyone was so cool. I felt like we were all long-lost friends. Everyone got along perfectly. Late afternoon, Ike and I went upstairs to get cleaned up before dinner. I was drying my hair and looked outside and down to the pool to see a crowd gathered by the pool bar.
Then I saw the monkeys! No, no, not the band. . . RIP Davy Jones. Anyway, Jenn has always loved monkeys and Curtis surprised her with two spider monkeys. Jenn was in tears she was so happy! I enjoyed the monkeys as well until one of them pooped on my foot. Luckily Ralph, Jenn's dad, was there to pour beer all over my toes to wash it away. He's a quick thinker, that Ralph. So the monkeys left after dark and we finished getting cleaned up, which included rewashing my feet that now smelled of monkey crap and beer.
Prior to Poop Foot |
Post Poop Foot |
We ended up having dinner at the resort. There were just a couple of us at the table, but more and more people started coming and the staff kept adding more and more tables to our table until our one long table took up half the room. I had the best soup of my life that night - creamed corn chowder. To die for. I think I will crave that soup for the rest of my life. We had some great laughs. I seriously haven't laughed that hard in ages. Once dinner was over, Jenn went to bed in preparation for the big day. The rest of us went to the pool bar to have drinks, hang out and play Jenga. Since we were in Mexico, we called it "Henga." We got a whopping 31 levels. Check it below. Lisa kept calling me the "Phantom" because she was never paying attention when it was my turn and I kept telling her I went, but she never actually saw me take my turn. I did though. I promise.
Henga with my Model Friends |
Saturday morning came and Ike and I hung out on the beach in the morning. I read my book -
Catching Fire - the second of the Hunger Games series. I am obsessed and can't wait for the movies!! I'm currently on the last book,
Mockingjay. Anyway, it was nice and relaxing. Here's a view from my chair that day. Jealousy alert.
Not too shabby, huh? |
Then of course, we had some pool/drinking time. Then it was time to get ready for the wedding. I wore a purple dress. Little did I know that this was also the color that Jenn chose for the matron of honor, Angi, to wear. So I looked like a bridesmaid wannabe (even though I was, I promise I didn't wear that color on purpose).
Wannabe Bridesmaid |
There was a little rooftop area above the pool bar where all the Le Reve staff guys sat to watch the wedding. Once Roberto (our favorite worker) saw Jenn (who we couldn't yet see since we weren't high in the sky like he was), he turned to Curtis and gave a big smile and thumbs up. It was so cute. Then Jenn appeared with Ralph and she was absolutely stunning!
Here comes the Bride! |
She was glowing, radiant, beautiful! She looked the happiest I've ever seen her, with maybe the monkeys a close second. Curtis' reaction to her was adorable too, all teary-eyed. The ceremony was perfect and sweet and then it was off to cocktail hour, where mojitos flowed.
The New Mr. & Mrs. |
Then it was dinner time. The reception was in the same restaurant where we had had all our meals before but it was transformed and looked gorgeous. Lots of candlelight, beautiful floral arrangements, twinkle lights over the dance floor. The ambiance couldn't be beat. The food was amazing, probably the best I've ever had at any wedding. The dancing started and it was a full on party from there on out. I remember hearing Rick Astley, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and of course a bunch of new stuff. It was such a fun night filled with lots of love and lots of laughter, and mustaches.
We mustache you a question |
The next morning, Ike and I walked down to breakfast and once we got downstairs everyone in the restaurant gave us a round of applause. Apparently we were rockstars Saturday night. Well duh. Always. Everyone left that day, except Jenn, Curtis, me & Ike. So we were really fortunate to be able to hang out with the newlyweds all by ourselves! Jenn and I took a nap on the beach together. Just like old times at BSU. We were such nappers back in the day. We were having a conversation and the next thing you know we both fell asleep. We ended up going into Playa del Carmen that evening, went to Senor Frogs, did some souvenir shopping, and ate dinner. Our cab ride home consisted of our cab driver blaring "Ice, Ice Baby" on repeat. No matter. We all sang all the words each time regardless.
Senor Frogs in Playa del Carmen |
Monday we had to go back to Indiana. Ike and I got up early to take a long walk on the beach. This trip was so good for our marriage, we really needed it. We were able to actually have a conversation without getting hit in the head with a flying pacifier or interrupted with "Mommy, Cam's putting a Lego in his ear" or the smell of a poopy diaper, etc. We adore our children, of course, but it was nice to reconnect and let loose like we used to. Then, Ike and I met Jenn & Curtis for breakfast. Jenn and I had one last Sol (beer) for good times sake. Once our taxi came, we said our goodbyes and got in our taxi. The door shut and I cried, just like the girls do when the Bachelor closes their taxi door shut. Luckily I didn't have a camera in my face, even though the videographer was still at the resort and I was threatened that he would be in the taxi as we left. But he wasn't, thank God. He would have captured the ugly cry. I just had such a good time. Everyone there was awesome and I felt like I made some new friends. Things really couldn't have been better.
Okay, get ready to pull out your violins. And I hope you like cheese, but this is my blog and I like cheese. So deal with the cheesiness. I tried to warn you.
I told Ike that I feel like I have such few really good friends anymore and Jenn is one of them. I love her and miss her so much and seeing her almost made it harder! Many friends have come and gone, but Jenn's always been there, through the good times and bad. And even though we live on opposite sides of the country, whenever we do talk, we pick up right where we left off. Of course I missed my munchkins, but I truly had one of the best weekends of my life.
I'll never forget Sol, Miami Vice, Henga, "have you ever skinny dipped with a model?," wearing Pete's shirt, "chubbin' it up," churros vs. churros (rolling the r makes it sound much different to Mexicans apparently), "5, 6, 7, 8," calling everyone a Sally, Ralph's effort to save my foot from monkey turds, and so many more. I wouldn't have changed a thing, right down to the monkey pooping on my foot. Okay,
maybe I would have changed that.
Thanks Jenn & Curtis for allowing us to spend your special day with you. Your wedding was perfect. Jenn, you were the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. The weekend was perfect. You could
feel the love you two have for each other, which is how all weddings should be. Thank you Jenn for being my forever friend, I love you and I am so incredibly, truly happy for you.
Oh my gosh- I don't think I could handle monkey poop. Human poop is enough!