I can't believe the month of March is almost over! It's been amazing as far as weather goes, sunny and warm; the warmest I can ever remember. This winter was really warm overall. Now I'm just expecting a cooler-than-usual summer or a scorchingly hot one. We shall see. As long as boating season isn't ruined, it'll be fine.
Due to the nice weather, we've been playing outside a lot. I believe that Camden may end up being a landscaper when he grows up. They boy is obsessed with mulch. It doesn't matter where we are - he will find the mulch. He loves to walk in it, even when he's barefoot, loves to roll in it, and loves to throw it in the air. I am constantly saying, "No mulch, Camden." And he just says, "much, much." It's like he speaks Japanese, no "L's" yet. He also says, "Damn it" a lot. It's so hard not to laugh, especially because he says it in context. So Ike and I are just trying to avoid saying it because I'm sure he heard it from us.
My Little Landscaper |
Addison's season with the Tiny Terriers ended too. It's amazing how much she's learned in just a year. She learned her backward roll, her cartwheel, and she's working on her back kickover. She's done it a few times, but it's not a consistent thing, but at 4 years old, I'd say that's pretty impressive! Her end-of-the-year party was last night. She was given the "Tiny Dancer" award because of her dancing abilities and how she just beams during the dance section of her routine. The former cheerleader & dancer in me was so proud. She's going down the same path I was with cheerleading, gymnastics and dance- except even faster than I did. I sure wasn't close to getting my back walkover at age 4. Yes, I'm bragging about her a little.
Addi getting her "Tiny Dancer" Award |
The party was held at a place that sells recreation equipment, there are all kinds of swing sets for the kids to play on inside the big showroom. Camden was running around like a banchee. One lady noticed me chasing him constantly and how he'd grin and be rotten when I got close and then run. She told me, "Wow, he's pretty darn cute, but he's going to be trouble!" Gee thanks. Is the cute part supposed to make up for the trouble part? Sometimes it does, I guess.
Little Stinker |
I also turned 33 this month. That just sounds so much older than 32. I'm almost to my mid 30's. Whoa. I had to work on my actual birthday but then a bunch of my fabulous and fun co-worker friends came out to Kilroy's to celebrate with me. We had a blast and the $5 individual pitchers of Long Island Iced Tea made it even more fun. I seriously work with some of the coolest people ever. That's another reason I don't want to leave the PICU - because I love my friends there and I'd miss them terribly if I left. We definitely have a bond that other people don't understand because of the stuff we see and deal with on our unit. We are able to vent to each other and we understand because we've all been in similar situations. Anyway, I'm just thankful for my friends who helped me celebrate my 33rd year of life.
Fun Chicks |
PICU RN's are the coolest |
Ike and I celebrated my birthday the Sunday after. We went to church, which admittedly, we haven't done in a long time, then went to my favorite breakfast spot - Cafe Patachou. Of course there was a wait and we didn't get seated and served until it was Camden's normal nap time - so he was throwing a fit basically the entire time. It was my fault though for choosing to go somewhere after church, instead of dinner. Cam is just miserable if he misses his nap, and all of Cafe Patachou was able to witness that. My apologies folks.
My best friend, Melissa took me out to lunch and to see the Hunger Games to celebrate my birthday because we are both obsessed with that series. The movie was awesome and I can't wait to see it again. And I kind of have a girl crush on Jennifer Lawrence now, not gonna lie. I wish the movie could have been longer to go more in to depth with the characters and their relationships, but it is already a 2 hour + movie. Thanks Melissa for taking me out to see it. You're the best! Can't wait to see the other two with you. And for those of you who haven't seen it - go. I think even people who haven't read the books will like it. I'm making Ike go see it with me and he didn't read the books, so I'll give you an update after I take him.
We've also been to the Zoo and to the Children's Museum. It's been a busy month!
Addi watching Cam in amazement as he pours sand on his face. |
Who says you shouldn't have a fabulous pose even when you're by a walrus? |
The eye of the tiger; notice Cam is backing up. He's smart. |
We love spring! |
On to April!
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