A funny thing that's been happening in our house is that Addison got a camera for Christmas from her Grammy and Pappy. She loves taking pictures of everything, from the TV to the cat to her brother. The other day I got her out of the bathtub and told her to put her undies and robe on while I cleaned the tub out. The next thing I know I hear the camera clicking, and I say, "Addi, did you get your clothes on already?" She says, "No, I'm just taking some naked pictures of myself." I holler, "Addison, we do NOT take naked pictures - you understand?!?!" I never thought I'd be saying these words to my child. But then, I guess I'd rather be telling her now than when she's 15 or something. And yes, I explained to her that no one should be taking pictures of her and went over all that stuff - don't worry - it ended up being a great teaching moment. Below are some of the pics Addi's taken. Luckily only the G-rated ones turned out.
Cam with a squirrel |
Lalaloopsy doll |
Confused Camden |
Her favorite boots |
Sophie, the cat |
Addi's Daddy |
On Wednesday, I took Addison and Camden to the park to have a picnic playdate with Addi's friends and their moms from cheerleading. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we had a great time. For a while, Addison picked about 50 dandelions and gave me the big bouquet. The kids had lunch and cake pops and then started to play again. Now the other two little girls we met were having fun playing Princess on the playset. My daughter, however, had a different idea. She asked me to help her slide down the pole. So I helped her, and then she wanted to do it over and over again. I tried to deter her and encourage her to go play with the other girls. It didn't work. Then she did it by herself and was shouting, "I did it Mommy! I did it! I went down the pole all by myself." I told her, "Great, honey!" though I didn't want to. I pointed it out to the other two moms that while their daughters placed Princess, mine was sliding down the pole. Great. As those of you who read my blog know, Addison already loves wigs, shoes, and sparkly things. Now she has also learned about the pole - which she talked about the whole way home from the park. Where did I go wrong?
Then, yesterday after work I got home and started changing from my work clothes. Addi comes in and I asked her about her day and if she got to play outside at daycare. She told me that she did and she decided that Lincoln is her boyfriend. I didn't think I heard her right so I asked her to repeat herself, which she did and said exactly what I thought she said. She said that her friend Makenna also wants Lincoln to be her boyfriend. Love triangles apparently start at the age of 4 now. Addi said she told Lincoln she wants to marry him because she wants to kiss him.
This week's chain of events has me worried. I have failed as a mother. I may have to send her to the convent at age 5.
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