Saturday, September 3, 2011

Things I've Learned in the PICU

So I've been a registered nurse in the pediatric ICU at Riley Hospital for two years now. I've learned a lot, seen a lot of happy stuff, seen some pretty sad stuff. I've grown, not only as a RN, but also as a person. Here are some of the lessons I've learned - the good, the bad, the ugly.

1. If you wear Dansko shoes, you will roll your ankle at least once a day, and other people will see you do it, so don't act like it didn't happen.

2. Don't walk too quickly on the unit or all the other RNs will think a patient is crashing and ask what's wrong. 

3. There are a lot of great families out there. On the other hand, there are a lot of people who should not be allowed to breed.

4. Respiratory therapists are a RN's best friend.

5. Parents should not be allowed to watch Jerry Springer when a child is present.

6. If you forget your badge, your day is going to be a giant pain in the ass.

7. I'm never going to know it all.

8. If there is a full moon, it is probably going to be a crazy day.

9. Greasy fries and a chocolate shake from McDonald's are good for comforting the soul after a bad day.

10. Only other RNs get it. Your spouse doesn't get it, your mom doesn't get it, your friend doesn't get it. (Unless they are RNs too.)

11. Children are resilient and can bounce back from some really crazy stuff.

12. RN's like when you bring them food. 

13. OCD is a terrible thing to waste. It's actually very useful in the PICU.

14. Go with your gut, it's usually right.

15. I work with some pretty awesome people. Shout out to my PICU Peeps!

16. I have made good friends with former patients' families. Never thought that would happen, but I'm glad it has. 

17. That hard outer shell I've developed is really just there to protect me from all the sadness. I am still gooey inside.

18. When I get in my car after a rough day, I'm a mess. It's my safe place to let go and cry.

19. If you don't have your health, not much else matters.

20. Treasure every day, because life can change in a matter of seconds.

21. Child abusers should be tortured. 

22. Nothing is harder than hearing a mother wailing after she's lost her child.

23. I will always cry when I see patients' dads cry. It's a given.

24. Miracles really do happen.

25. Children are absolutely precious.

26. Angels do exist.

27. I love working in the PICU.

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