Monday, September 26, 2011

I Love the Target Cafe

Sunday morning I had brunch with some of my best girlfriends from college. We had some great laughs like we always do. I even saved one of my friends from eating what looked to be a black pubic hair in her sausage gravy. If you've read any of my previous blogs, you know I have a fear of hair in my food and will search before eating. Apparently, I have even started to study my friends' food. But hey, I did save her from having to pull a pube out of her teeth like floss, huh? I am pretty darn loyal if I do say so myself.

Back to the subject. One of my friend's has a son who started Kindergarten this year. We were talking about waiting at the bus stop, field trips, and PTO. It took me a minute to figure out what PTO was because at work it means "Paid Time Off." I forgot that it also means "Parent/Teacher Organization." At least, I think that's what it means. Anyway, we were laughing because we were talking about how much our lives have changed. There's no way when we were juniors at Ball State we thought we'd be having brunch and talking about PTO. Our main concern then was which black pants we were going to wear out to Dill Street. Oh and having enough time to pre-party - which meant drinking your cocktails while showering and drying your hair. My my have times have changed. We agreed that we're going to have to start playing Bunco.

I've had several moments over the past years that I couldn't have imagined myself doing even 5 years ago. As of this summer, I have had lunch at Target at the little Target Cafe. If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would have been eating lunch there with my kids in the future, I would have laughed at you. However, nowadays I find myself at the Target Cafe nearly once a week having a rather enjoyable lunch with my kids before shopping my brains out. I've actually had lunch dates there. I know, this is getting worse by the minute. We were there today in fact. I looked around and saw three other moms with their kids there, so I didn't feel so bad. It's cheap and convenient, so it works. I never said I was a high roller. I do think I may have to invest in some high-waisted, unflattering-to-the-butt Mom jeans soon. Or a mini-van with the decal of my entire stick family and stick pets. I am kidding. If this ever happens, please just shoot me and put me out of my misery. I don't want to live like that.

Ike and I have gotten used to eating macaroni and cheese, pizza, and other kid staples for every meal. We add fruits and vegetables, but the main course is usually something the kids will like. I can make Kraft mac & cheese from the box and Addi will say, "Mommy, you're the best cooker. You should work at a restaurant." I love naivety. I had the bright idea of trying to reintroduce the kids to more healthful main courses. Kid-friendly foods aren't healthy, nor are they good for the waistline after a while. I made vegetable stir fry on Saturday night. Cam didn't eat anything other than the peas and rice. Addi did okay, but didn't eat much more than Cam. Then tonight I tried falafel. Yes, I know. What was I thinking? Most adults don't even like falafel, why did I think a 17 month old and a 4 year old would like it? At least both of them tried it, but both spit it out. So what did I do you ask? I ended up making them both peanut butter and jelly. FAIL. Ike and I ate the falafel and are now currently in falafel comas. We've met our falafel quota for the year. And I think I've said the word falafel 8,000 times. I'll stop now.

One year at Ball State, I was named "Best Dressed" in my sorority. Hooty Hoot, shout out to my Chi Omega Sisters. Nowadays, not so much. I have looked at my wardrobe and nearly cried. Granted, I wear scrubs to work, so I'm not too worried about my wardrobe three days a week. Then I look at the kids' closets and then I remember why I have no clothes. When I try to go shopping for myself, I find myself in the kids' section. It's like the gigantic magnetic force that attracts me to it. It's uncontrollable. I know lots of moms who suffer from this same problem. Remember those Mom jeans I talked about earlier? Well, I'll never have them because I don't buy anything for myself anyway, so please stop worrying.

One thing I never thought I'd have to give up is singing in the car. It's my safe place to belt out my tunes. I don't even sing in the shower, unless no one is home. I realize I am not blessed in this area. But I figured it would still be okay to sing in the car when my kids were in there. I was wrong. Today I was singing to The Band Perry's If I Die Young and Addison said, "Mommy please stop singing. It doesn't sound so good." She's said things like this to me before about my singing, but today I thought I was singing quietly. Apparently when you are so off key, it doesn't matter how quietly you're singing.  Thanks, Addi. I'm well aware now.

I could go on and on about how things have changed and things I never thought I'd do 10 years ago are my reality today. The lunches at Target, the meals I cook that are denied by my kids, my lacking wardrobe, etc.  I think any parent will tell you that they do things they never thought they would because of and for their kids. And though life is so completely different than I ever thought it would be, I wouldn't change a thing. I've got my sweet little family and I love all our little quirks. It's perfection in my eyes. Oh, and if anyone wants to have a lunch date at Target, let me know. . .

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