Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In the Words of Addison

My daughter, Addison, is 4 going on 16. She's super smart and says some pretty hysterical things. I actually started a Laugh Book, a little notebook I fill out with funny things she says and does. I'm planning on making one for Camden once he starts talking too. I can only imagine what's going to come out of that little stinker's mouth when he really starts talking.

Anyway, one day Addi, Cam and I were playing in Addi's room. Camden started to get ahold of Addi's stuffed animals. She quickly became perturbed and started to pick them all up and even took one away from Cam. I asked her not to do that and to share. I asked her why she took them away from her brother and she replied, "Because I don't want them to get all Camden-ish." Camdenish huh? Wow, the boy has his own adjective now.

Often at bedtime, Addi prefers to draw on her Doodle Pro instead of being read to. One night, she was writing her numbers for Ike. She wrote her 9 like a P. Ike told her she had done a great job but that her 9 was backwards. She argued with him that it was right. He told her again that the stick needed to be on the right side of the circle instead of the left side. She once again said no that it was right. Then out of the blue she said very sternly, "It's a Chinese 9 Daddy!" Like duh Daddy.

Another time, about a week ago, I had finished giving her a bath. She has curly hair and I have to put gel in it after her bath to keep it from getting frizzy. Once she got out I got some gel in my hands and she swiped a little and started putting it in her belly button. I asked her what in the world she was doing and she said, "I want my belly button to smell good." At least if there's any hair in her navel it won't be going anywhere. Weird, weird child.

I just realized all these things happened last week. Why was she so strange last week? I do remember seeing a full moon. Maybe that had something to do with it?

She said another funny thing last week that I have to share. After using the potty, she looked at me and said, "Remember that time I stood up and peed? That made a big mess, didn't it?" Um, no I don't remember that but please don't do that again.

The best is when we go into a public restroom. Of course there will be one person in a stall and Addison will say, "It stinks! Who's in here?" Wow, now THAT is embarrassing. We usually end up hiding in our stall until the other person leaves or hurrying up in hopes they stay in their stall before witnessing our faces. I swear we do teach our child manners.

If you have young kids I highly recommend starting a Laugh Book. It's a great way to write down the hilarious things they say. You will forget, trust me! I've already looked back at some of the things Addi said when she was 2 and would have completely forgotten had I not written them down. Plus, someday you can use it as blackmail.

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