Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Things I Love

Besides the obvious - Jesus, family, friends, the USA - here are some of the things I love the most.

1. Thunderstorms, as long as I'm home and so is the rest of my family.

2. Sweatshirt weather, not too cold, not too hot.

3. Drinking hot chocolate at a high school football game on a chilly Friday night.

4. Autumn in Indiana. Love the crispness of the air, the colors of the leaves, & football season!

5. Anything chocolate and peanut butter. That has to be the best combination ever discovered.
Reese's Pieces, Reese's Cups, Butterfinger, 5th Avenue, etc.

6. Boating on a warm sunny day and just closing my eyes, listening to nothing but the hum of the engine, splashing of the water, and feeling the sunshine pounding on my cheeks.

7. Feeling sand between my toes. On the beach. Not the same effect when in a sand box. I've tried, plus there's cat poop in sand boxes.

8. My cowboy boots. They're comfy and cute.

9. The smell of new ballet shoes. Takes me back to my childhood and dance class. Used ballet shoes don't smell so nice.

10. Sitting out on the patio enjoying a cocktail on a warm summer night. Or I should say "a few" cocktails. I could do without the 8000 mosquito bites I get though.

11. The Fresh Market. That place just makes me feel happy inside. Maybe because it is so organized.

12. Hearing the National Anthem at sporting events. I don't know why, but I get a little emotional each time any more! Damn hormones.

13. Hudson jeans. They are so soft but fit like a glove. I make them sound like Pajama Jeans and they are not.

14. Mascara and eye liner. Anyone who knows me, knows this.

15. People who write thank you notes. If you took the time to do something nice or give me a gift, I'll probably write you a thank you note. By the way, thanks for reading my blog :)

16. Blazing fireplaces. LOVE them! I hate my gas one though. It raises our gas bill $80 for one day of use. Ridiculous. My next house will have a wood-burning one for sure.

17. Having a White Christmas. I can't imagine being somewhere warm on Christmas. It just wouldn't feel right to me.

18. Speaking of Christmas, I love Christmas Eve. I love the traditions of my family, the anticipation of what's to come, the lights, the excitement, and just being together.

19. Dresses, particularly sundresses. They're easy, they're pretty, and they make you feel uber girly.

20. Paula Deen. She's southern, she cooks food with butter in it, lots of butter. And she's always happy. What's not to love?

21. Real novels. I don't get the Kindle or Nook thing. There's just something nice about the smell and feel of holding an actual book.

22. Monthly Planners. I must have it with me at all times. It's like my whole little life in one tiny book. Doesn't get more convenient than that.

23. My iPhone. I don't leave the house without it. However in the house is another story, I usually can't find it.

24. Dolphins. I think they're so cute and smart. I once was chosen to be the helper at the Dolphin Show at King's Island. I found out my Dad bribed the trainers prior to the show. It was awesome.

25. Rocking a baby to sleep. It's the most comforting, joyful, peaceful feeling on earth. As long as the baby isn't crying that is.

26. Vacuuming. It might be an OCD thing, but I have to have lines in the carpet. I think I also enjoy it so much because I have a Dyson. I still don't know how it picks up that much stuff. Are we that dirty?

27. Nice crisp clean sheets. I would have someone change and iron my sheets everyday if I could afford it. I think I sleep better with clean, tight fitting sheets. I find it extremely annoying when the sheets get all loose and wrinkly. And I know it effects my sleep.

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