Another week down. Some fun things happened this week. Addi got her Halloween costume all set for the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disney World. She is going to be Ariel, the Little Mermaid. She has the dress, the wand, the shoes, and the wig. A long red stringy wig. She absolutely loves the wig and wants to wear it all the time. I hope she never finds out that strippers wear wigs a lot. Maybe I'll inform her that actresses get to wear wigs before she finds out about strippers. Yep, that sounds like a good plan. Whenever she sees a picture of Katy Perry in her blue wig on my iPhone/iTunes she always says, "She's so pretty with her blue hair." I'm getting a little worried about her teenage years already.

Cam saw Addi in her get-up and decided he wanted to play too. He grabbed a tiara and a wand so he could be like his sister. Notice he's holding the wand upside down. He hasn't taken Princess 101 yet. Again, notice the stringy red wig. This picture is much more true to the actual look of the
dead animal wig.
We're still trying to figure out what Cam is going to be. Ike doesn't want him to be anything too "babyish." I keep informing my hubby that Cam is indeed still a baby. I want him to be something cute like a cowboy or sock monkey or something like that, something he won't want to be when he gets to choose. Ike wants him to be Spiderman or Buzz Lightyear. Maybe we'll go with Addi's idea of him being Flounder. Ariel does need Flounder or Sebastian, right?
We had dinner with some family from Pennsylvania on Friday night. They were in town for the Penn State game. Cam was being pretty cranky and didn't want to eat anything. That boy loves an audience though. He can turn on the charm like he's turning on a faucet. Well, maybe that's a stretch because he's only 17 months and can't turn on a faucet yet. But you know what I mean. I posted a picture of him. Notice how they put us in the far back corner. It was well deserved since Cam started throwing his unwanted food within minutes of getting there. Doesn't he just look ornery?

Addi got to go to her first Penn State game Saturday with Ike. It was at IU. I stayed at home all day with Cam. But we all met up after the game. Addi got to meet the Nittany Lion at the game. I asked her to show me the picture that Grammy took of her with the lion and she said, "Ok, but I got one with the cow too." I had no clue what she was talking about because IU's mascot is the Hoosiers, not the Cows. I found out she got her picture with the Chick-Fil-A Cow which apparently is just as exciting as the PSU Nittany Lion.
Chick-fil-A Cow |
Penn State Nittany Lion |
We also made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch on Sunday. We had fun, went with my sister and her boys. I got my elephant ear fix. Not helping with my anxiety about being in a bikini in a few months, but my soul
needed it. I feel like everyone is entitled to at least one funnel cake or elephant ear a year and since Ike won't go with me to the Indiana State Fair, this was my only chance to fill my quota. Addi picked out two little pumpkins, one for herself and one for Camden. Ike and I will just get some at the store that we can carve. It's too hard to lug around two children and two giant pumpkins.
On the Hay Ride out to the Pumpkin Patch. Cam sure looks comfy, huh? |
Searching for the perfect pumpkin |
Pumpkins by the truckload |
I found my two pumpkins! |
Hey, hey, HAY! |
Mi Familia |
Seriously, when do I get my elephant ear? |
After the pumpkin patch we had to run to our favorite spot, Super Target. And no, we didn't get dinner there. . .this time. However, Cam did sing a song with both fingers in his nostrils in the car on the way there. I posted a lovely pic that I'm sure will be wonderful blackmail someday. Enjoy!
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