Thursday, September 8, 2011

Well THAT's Annoying

So here are some of the things that drive me nuts.

I can't stand when someone says to you, "You look tired today." I think what they really mean is, "Wow, you really look like shit today." Gee thanks. How are you supposed to respond to that? "Yes, I am very tired. I work 12 hour shifts as a registered nurse on the most critical pediatric unit in Indiana and have two small children at home and I don't really have time to sleep. Thanks for your concern." So if you ever think someone (ie me) looks tired, please don't tell me. I already know.

Women who wear eyeshadow but no mascara. That is weird. It doesn't look nice. The powder gets on your eyelashes and then they are even lighter, making you look like you have no eyelashes. So please, either don't wear eyeshadow, or just add mascara to your daily make-up routine.

When you hold the door for someone or let them cut in front of you while you're driving and you don't get any sort of acknowledgement or thanks. Um, I'm sorry, I'm not the doorman. At least say thanks, wave, something!

Finding hair in my food. This is actually more disgusting than annoying, but I do get annoyed because then my appetite is gone. I usually search for hairs so I find them before they go in my mouth. You'd be surprised how many you can find by looking. I don't know if there is anything nastier than pulling a big long hair from your mouth. Gives me the eebie jeebies just thinking about it. Sick!

Another annoying/disgusting thing in food - funny bites, especially in meat. What was that knuckle texture I just bit in to? Cartilige, a vein, fat, part of a beak? This is why I was vegetarian for a while. Too many funny bites.

Why are we turning teens from Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant into celebrities? Ridiculous. I have NEVER watched those shows and I refuse to. I read an article saying that teen girls are trying to get pregnant to get on those shows so they can be famous. I can't believe they are on the cover of magazines now. Sad, sad, sad. And annoying.

People who come to work crappy. Sure we're all entitled to a bad day, but there are some who come in every day with a bad attitude, or literally don't talk to anyone. . . ever. Hey, guess what - you have to be here, so why not make the most of it? Work is a lot more fun when you have friends there.

People who have a Facebook status update daily or several times daily. Maybe you should try Twitter instead? Just sayin.

When people are talking on Bluetooths but you can't see the Bluetooth. I have actually answered a lady who asked a question to the person on the other end because I didn't realize she had a Bluetooth on. I felt really stupid. But you have to admit, people who talk on Bluetooths look kind of schizo crazy because they always appear to be talking to themselves.

One uppers. You have a story, they have one better. And not only do they have a better story, they will also interrupt your story to tell you their better story. One uppers & interrupters. A. NNOY. ING!

The music at Abercrombie & Fitch. Why is it so loud? Am I just getting old? Does it need to be that loud? I can hear it 3 stores away!

People who cuss loudly in public, especially when children are present. I took my daughter to a Colts game and we heard the F-bomb about 40 times from the people sitting directly behind us. They clearly saw a small 4 year old sitting in front of them. I realize it is a sporting event where alcohol is served, but at least have some couth and see who is around before turning into a f*cking sailor.

Wal-mart. I literally can't stand it. I will go anywhere but there. I feel like it's dirty, cramped, and busy. Oh and the bright flourescent lighting is so not flattering. I don't care if I have to pay more elsewhere. The few bucks I save is not worth my sanity. I won't even get started on some of the shoppers. We've all seen, right?

People who always cancel on you last minute. I realize things come up and if it happens once in awhile, that's completely understandable. But then there are the serial cancellers. You invite them, but know you'll be getting a text or phone call saying they can't make it. Well guess what? I'm not going to ask you to do anything anymore - na na na na boo boo.

When people say "supposeably" instead of "supposedly." Last time I checked, there is no 'b' in that word, so please don't pronounce it that way. Also, when people say, "I could care less." Well if you say that then you could actually care a little less than you currently do. If you say it correctly, "I couldn't care less," then that means you care the least amount possible. Make sense? I think it bugs me because I'm an English teacher's daughter. I get it honestly.

Last one, when you order something to go and you get all the way home just to find that your order is jacked up. Well, that's just fantastic. I paid for it and didn't get it. Now not only am I annoyed that it's missing and I'm out that money, but now I have to make something for the person who is missing their order. The whole reason I ordered to go was so I didn't have to cook. Fan-freaking-tastic.

What annoys you. . . hopefully not this blog!


  1. i love all of these! i always check my food if i get a to-go order, especially if it's for my husband. he's allergic to tomatoes (strange, right?), and you'd be surprised how many times i say "no tomatoes" and there's a nice juicy one right on top. i'm so glad that someone gets just as annoyed as i do with that :).

  2. Thanks for the comment Jessica. Luckily we don't have any food allergies, but that would really suck cause you definitely have to throw it all out!
