We visited Charleston, SC one last time before my mom moved back to Indianapolis. It is so wonderful to have her back home, but we sure are going to miss going to SC to visit each year. I just love that place.
We went to the beach several days in a row. I even got some alone time on the beach one day as Ike took the kids back to my mom's, so I could have some down time. It was nice just to relax and reflect on life and rejoice in all the blessings I have been given.
One of the most fun parts of the vacation was watching the kids on the beach. I love seeing it through their eyes. Everything is so amazing and so exciting. Camden loved throwing the sand and getting really dirty - of course - he's all boy! I have two pictures of him running and he's floating on air! No feet touching the ground. Here's one below.
Look Ma, no feet! |
Messy kid |
Addison, on the other hand is in love with the ocean. I caught this picture of her just sitting and imagining what it would be like out there. She's just so in awe of the sea. After I took the picture, I asked her what she was thinking and she said, "I really want to be a mermaid." She promised me some day when she's grown up we will live together on the beach. She totally takes after her mother. If her father could stand the heat and humidity of the south, we'd already be down there. But he's from PA so he likes it a little cooler.
Addison also met a little boy at Isle of Palms, named Mason. He followed her everywhere one day. It was very cute. Later on in the week, she asked me what that boy's name was again? "The one that started with an
Ariel Wannabe |
Addison's Admirer |
My mom and Camden - love this |
One of my favorite things to do while at the beach is take the kids on mini photo sessions. I am by no means a good photographer, nor do I know any settings on my big daddy Canon camera, other than the extreme basics (we're talking Auto, Sports, Portrait setting - that's it). I don't get the aperture or white balance or any of that stuff. But I do feel that even someone like me can get pretty great pics on the beach. The background is great, the kids are happy and the lighting is usually nice. Here's some of my favorites.
At the Pier |
His GQ pose |
Daydreaming again |
No one's looking at the camera, but it's still cute |
Throwing sand |
Got this one with Instagram but I love it |
The rest are from our last night in Charleston. We went to Sullivan's Island to take these. It was such a peaceful beach. We were like, "Why didn't we come here all week? It's perfect!" We even saw several dolphins surface, including what appeared to be a baby. Then we saw the signs. The reason why it's so peaceful is because there are such strong currents and undertows that no swimming or wading is allowed. Well no wonder it's peaceful, no one wants to die, so no one goes there. But it was good for pictures at least. And we got to see the dolphins.
Mama and Papa |
Mimi and the kiddos |
Cool stuff with Instagram |
Our little family |
We LOVE South Carolina! If you ever go, please visit Charleston and Isle of Palms! Oh and Sullivan's Island has the best BBQ place, just don't go swimming at their beach. I'm going to miss our yearly trips, but I have no doubt we'll get back there before too long. I may start having withdrawals if not.
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