Happy New Year! I hope that all of you have a wonderful, prosperous, healthy and happy 2012! I feel like it's going to be a great year.
Christmas came and went so fast this year. I always get a little depressed when Christmas is over. I always put our Christmas tree up the weekend before Thanksgiving, but I always take it down the day after Christmas. I don't know why I do that. Every year I vow that I will keep it up until New Year's Day, but I never do. I think it's an OCD thing or something. Vacuuming all the plastic needles is very satisfying to me. One thing I have left up is a neat little project I learned to do on www.pinterest.com. Check it.
Cam's handprints are the top two rows and the bottom two rows are Addi's |
We had a wonderful Christmas. We tried to take the kids to see Santa again. Cam still hates Santa. If you ask him if Santa is coming to his house he'll shake his head and say, "Noooo noooo!"
Secrets |
Still hatin' |
My mom came into town from South Carolina for about a week and a half and I got to hang out with her quite a bit, though it wasn't enough. I still had to work and what not. We're not allowed to take more than 12 hours of paid time off between Christmas and New Year's, so I wasn't able to be off much. Christmas Eve we went to my sister's church and then went to Bravo for some great Italian food. Addi wore her dress from Harajuku Mini. They carry the line at Target and it is freaking adorable and very affordable!! She loves it too. Cam wore his little sweater vest and looked like a dapper little gentleman.
Christmas Kids |
Camden does this thing where he closes his eyes, swings his head back and forth, and lip syncs. He kind of looks like he's imitating Stevie Wonder. I have yet to get a good video of it, but below are some pictures of him doing it. It is seriously hilarious. He will usually do it when he's in the high chair at a restaurant and music is playing in the background. Everyone at the table just about chokes on their food from laughter. That kid is the best I tell ya.

Christmas morning, Cam woke up at his usual 6:00. I decided to wake Addi up. And just like I thought, when I told her Santa had been at our house, she popped right out of bed. Took the kids downstairs and they had so much fun opening their stuff. Their reactions were so great. I think Addison was excited about every single thing she got - even panties! I'm not going to be one of those people who tell you everything my kids got. I get so annoyed with people who post pictures of a living room filled with presents. What's the point of that? It seems like bragging or something. I will tell you that Santa brought Addison her Rapunzel wig, and my mom bought Addi a few more wigs. We are just feeding into her addiction I think. We're enabling her. Take a look. Notice the alter ego with the wig on - the stance, the pose.
She loves her wigs |
So excited! |
Christmas afternoon we went to my sister's house and celebrated Christmas with her in-laws, my mom, and my in-laws. It was so nice to have everyone in one place so we didn't have to split time between families on Christmas day. Everyone gets along great, so it was a lot of fun. The food was awesome too - which always makes it even better. Here's a pic of Cam and his cousin. I have a feeling a similar pic will be taken in about 15.2 years.
Joy Ride |
I love how Addi is still smiling amongst the chaos of the boys. |
Christmas day this year was hard in that it was the six month anniversary of my Dad's passing. It was strange not having him there being first in line for the food and having the grandkids jumping all over him. But it was comforting knowing that he was with Jesus on His birthday. What a celebration they must have in Heaven! It's just nice knowing that because God gave us Jesus, and the promise of eternity by believing in Him, I'll get to see my Dad again. I think I just worry about my Mom now more than anything. I just hope 2012 is a good year for her. I'm so lucky she's my mom.
I believe 2012 will be a good year for the Eichers. Eric (aka Ike) started his own business, Addison will be starting kindergarten (how I'm going to be able to handle that, I don't know), and Cam will be turning 2. I'm still working in the PICU at Riley and loving it. My New Year's resolution is to just give it all to God. I'm going to stop worrying so much, and enjoy life more. This past year and my job have taught me that life is short and you can't take anything for granted. There's a verse in the Bible that I need to call on when I start to worry. I hope you'll do the same. It's from Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and were able to make many great memories with family and friends. And may you all have a spectacular 2012! Cheers!!